Nursing Presentation

Nursing presentation

Jadiam Lopez

Professor Anny Dionne




Ida Jean Orlando

Ida Orando was a nurse who is well known from her theoretical analysis

Some of the most acknowledged theory include the nursing processes that are applied in the nursing environment

Her writing framework was strictly based on her research and evaluation study

Orando’s nursing theory was named “premeditated nursing theory.” (Faust, 2012)



Orlando’s nursing theory is the most acknowledged and applied theory in nursing. It is also known as deliberative nursing theory. The argument is based on research and study evaluation.



Theory narration

The theory focuses more on the connection between the nurse and the persistent

It’s more of the joins the nurse and patient in a working environment

It depicts the validation perception and evaluation of processes that can be put in place to attain a positive outcome

The theory narration, therefore, extend it framework and effort in creating a functional nurse (Connolly,2011)


The main focus of the theory is the nurse and patient relationship. It tries to evaluate the nurse as well as the patient in the working environment. The narrated philosophy extends the platform of developing a reliable and functional nurse.



Guiding question to Susan and Sam

Orando’s theory suggests that when patients cannot be able to access and handle medical conditions deprived of assistance, they will get upset and feel abandoned.

The theory makes some assumptions which include:

A patient must be handled with a lot of care and utmost professionalism.

Ethics is part of the healing process, and nurses should follow a professional approach.

The theory outlines that if a patient does not have the utmost assistance by chance, there is increased anxiety s and negative feelings (Connolly,2011)



According to the theory, a patient can’t deal with a medical condition if there is no assistance. The patient may end up feeling upset and helpless. A nurse should be led by professional strategies since ethics is part of the healing process. There is a risk of negative feelings and anxiety in case a patient does not access medical attention


Consideration question

What do I see?

What does the patient feel, and to what extend?

What do I think?

What is the critical observation taken to observe?

How do I act, and what is the next cause of action? (Faust, 2012)




A nurse needs to start by asking what can without anybody’s help. After the evaluation, the nurse should conduct a conversation with both Sam and the daughter.



Family Plan of Care

The first nurse should be able to determine what Sam can do on his own. It was for the apparent reason that the daughter could not be able to handle the condition

Next, the nurse discusses both Sam and the daughter since he was aware that dad could handle the issue independently.


A nurse needs to start by asking what can without anybody’s help. After the evaluation, the nurse should conduct a conversation with both Sam and the daughter.



Care plan

The nurse should identify some facilities available in the communal that would provide external help

Introducing freestanding help and permitting Sam to do what he could for himself in generating some social errands away from Susan would keep Sam smiling and healthier

The nurse should also make some communication to Sam to get his feeling and mark his progress (Connolly,2011)




The nurse is responsible for identifying available services in the community. There should be the inclusion of outside help if needed. Communication with Sam is essential in order to follow the progress and understand his current feeling and status.



The 1950 and 60’s in the United States

The exploration was based in the United States. In this case, the point of analysis was based on culture, social, economist and diverse struggles

What did nurse look like and what was the nature of the jobs like, role and dressing model

What was the most significant accomplishment of the nurse theory in the 50s and 60s?


There was an exploration in between 1950 and 1960 in the United States. The general points were based on social, economic, diverse, and cultural struggles. The questions were grounded on the nursing job: Its nature, dressing code, and its role.



Culture, social, economics

In the year 1950s and 1960s, there was increased warfare in the Vietnam War in any part of the world.

In this era, rock and hold developed the well-known in American household and now the

The population has developed and was gaining materials and confirm

The urge for quality and advanced services was becoming an integrated part of the community

The nineteen fifty’s and sixty’s comprised of war in Vietnam and many parts of the world. By the then population developed and gained materials. There was a high demand for quality and advanced services to be integrated into the community.




Little Rock School became integrated

Middle-class families earned between $3,000 and $10,000 a year and included 60 percent of the American people by the mid-1950.

The average family b earned between 3000 dollar to 10000 dollars annually and this was inclusive of 60% of the American population

Life was becoming more sustainable because of the assured wages and pensions introduced. (Faust, 2012)



The little rock school was integrated in 1957. About sixty percent of the American populations were ranked as middle-class people. They were able to earn a range of $3000 to $10000 per year.



What was happening in nurse field on culture, social, economics, and struggles?

In 1961, the first troop was sent to Vietnam.

Following 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed, and it prohibited practice aimed at disenfranchising black voters.

Voting right Act was passed in 1965 and drew the line on the role provisions.

Feminism has dramatically increased, and women wanted to get their rights and equal pay.


During the culture, social and economic struggles in the United States, the first troop was sent to Vietnam in 1961. The civil action was passed in 1964, where it restricted practices such as disenfranchising black voters.



What were their jobs like, responsibilities, dress, autonomy, respect approach

Nurse training was removed from the hospital and was based on the institution of higher learning.

Most of the nurses, therefore, were promoted in the 1950s and were made managers.

By 1960, approximately 172 collage were powered to attain a Bachelor of Science and nursing degrees.

In the working professionals, they were made to wear dresses, white nylons, and a nursing cap (Connolly,2011)


During the other times, nursing practice, as well as nursing, shifted from hospitals and were based on higher learning institutions. Most of the nurses were promoted to managers in the 1950s.



did nursing look like time (what were their jobs like, responsibilities, dress, autonomy, respect)


What During this period, nursing teaching programs were changing as advanced in time, and technology was experienced.

Financial support from the federate boosted the education system is a great way.

Fund increase boosted research and innovation that diversified nursing practice.

Consistent dressing mode increases the nature of uniformity.


Nursing teaching programs continued to change as the time continued to advance. Technology also continued to influence the plans. Support from the federal government supported the education system.



influential accomplishment in nursing theory from the 1950s and 1960s


influential accomplishment in nursing theory from the 1950s and 1960s

Most of the theory developed did not have the goal in mind and support infrastructure.

Theory, practice, and research were developed and inaugurated together in the 1950s and 1960s with research done to prove the theories.

Faye Abdellah was serving in a profiled position serving as Deputy General Surgeon.

Her research boosted in nursing work and disease management in a significant way. Assessment model and care evaluation were crucial factors that have been depicted to date (Snowden &Donnell,2014).


There was an inauguration of theory as well as practice and research in the 1950s and 60s. The boost from the government funds also increased research and innovation that diversified nursing practice


accomplishment of nursing theory between 1950s and 1960


Abdellah’s concept is frequently known as the human need theory because of the education and provision framework associated with it

The model has integrated and defined concepts that typically help solve the health-related issue and enhance levels of professionalism.

It enhanced assessment, diagnosis and planning process because of the great evaluation and working methodology process involved

The theory has a standing process that is a builder of the plan and advanced methods for patient enhancement and advanced nursing care process (Faust, 2012)


There was an inauguration of theory as well as practice and research in the 1950s and 60s. The boost from the government funds also increased research and innovation that diversified nursing practice.




There was the development of theory practice and research.

The research was aimed at proven the established theories; Faye Abdellah became the first nurse to earn the rank of two-star read admiral.

Abdellah’s research upgraded the nursing work as well as disease management.


In summary, the post discusses the Ida Orlando nursing theory. There is also a developed family plan of care grounded on Orlando’s nursing theory.




1950s-1960s: Civil rights era, Vietnam War. (2008, May 27). Retrieved from civil- rights-era- vietnam-war/#.XNDBsJhKjI

American Nursing: An Introduction to the Past. (n.d.). Retrieved from introduction-to- the-past/

D’Antonio, P., Connolly, C., Wall, B. M., Whelan, J. C., & Fairman, J. (2011, July 1). Histories of nursing: The power and the possibilities. Retrieved from

Faust, C. (2012, July). Orlando’s deliberative nursing process theory: A practice application in an extended care facility. Retrieved from

Snowden, A., Donnell, A., & Duffy, T. (2014). Pioneering theories in nursing. London: Andrews UK.

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