Entries by rufus

Literature Review

Four pages not including cover page or references This unit’s assigned reading focuses on chemical-induced mutagens. As you are aware from the reading, not all carcinogens are mutagens. For this assignment, compare and contrast a carcinogen that is a mutagen to a carcinogen that is not a mutagen. Find at least four peer-reviewed journal articles […]

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Reword Assignment Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Discussion Questions Question-What would the US diet look like if there had never been any food advertising or promotion? What would US food system look like? Answer-Promotion is used to market all forms of food in the US food system from oats to frozen vegetables to meat to soft drinks, fast food, and […]

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Environmental science homework help

Keohane and Olson, Chapter 5, Question 6: In the international treaty “game” described by Keohane & Olmstead Figure 5.5, both countries would be better off if each contributed to the clean-up of a shared pollution problem, but this is not what we expect to happen. Why is this better outcome unlikely to occur? Assignment Instructions: Your […]

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Environmental science homework help

In Chapter 11, Tietenberg and Lewis note that market imperfections are a major cause of unsustainable development. What are some examples of market imperfections that hamper efforts to achieve sustainable development? Do such imperfections always lead to unsustainable outcomes? What are some economic incentive policies that might facilitate a transition from unsustainable to sustainable activities? […]

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Environmental science homework help

When it is cloudy, many of the sun’s rays never reach the earth. What does this do to the temperature? Needs help with similar assignment? We are available 24×7 to deliver the best services and assignment ready within 3-4 hours? Order a custom-written, plagiarism-free paper Get Answer Over WhatsApp Order Paper Now

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Environmental science homework help

1. More than __________ percent of all children and more than __________ percent of African-American children are living with an unmarried parent. A. 10; 25 B. 10; 40 C. 25; 55 D. 25; 75 2. To promote print awareness in the home, parents can: A. share some of the mail in the mailbox. B. read […]

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100 Environmental Science Questions

Final Examination GED 108 Environmental Science Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet) 1) The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment primarily characterized human impact on: A) atmospheric carbon dioxide levels B) degradation of the ozone layer C) ecosystem services D) plate tectonics 2) The Fourth Assessment Report, released in 2007 concluded that global […]

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Environmental science homework help

 Some environmental regulations seem to stand alone whereas others act like add-ons. Research the Clean Water Act (CWA) regulations under Section 402, Section 403, and Section 405. Explain how each of these relates to other types of environmental regulations. How did these relationships come about? Why do you think “cleaner” statutes were not written to […]

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Soil Cycling

Soil is very important for nutrient cycling and is an integral part of biogeochemical cycles.  For each of the biogeochemical cycles you have learned (carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, hydrologic) answer/describe the following questions as it relates to soil and biogeochemical cycles. 1) In what forms (compounds/molecules/states/phases) does each exist within soil? (1 pt) 2) What […]

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Need assistance with the following WORK MUST BE PLAGERIZED FREE!!!: 1)   UNIT V Article Review ($15.00) – “MUST” be a minimum of (3) pages in length using proper APA format not including title page or reference page. See syllabus attached. (answer each bullet point)   2)   UNIT VI Scholarly Activity ($10.00) – “MUST” be a minimum of (2 pages […]

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