System Analysis And Design

Assignment 1 Amended:


Per original assignment 1 (Available on UBLearns) Pages 16 and 17 you will be building an Access DB back-end table structure as shown on 16 with the Primary Keys/attributes shown on the schema from page 17. The tables will be related as shown via the keys and they will be populated with 8 records in each table that work seamlessly with the relationships provided. The only table not necessary to build is the “TravelerInRoom” table.


A form will be built that is driven by the back-end data. The student will identify the Use Cases/Events/functions the form will provide that serve a valid purpose based of the data in the back-end.

You will provide identified Use Cases/Events via a User Story with acceptance criteria as shown in the book from chapter 3 and shown below.

Output / Report:

On the front-end form there will be a button created that provides a report based off the information you have populated the form with. Often customers need a printed receipt or bill based off the information the user see’s on their form/screen. Building a report (CREATE an actual MS ACCESS Report not a printable form please) allows for the data to be viewed/printed for the customers records. The report button should show the report in “Report View”, do not choose the print report option – the report needs to be viewed on the screen not sent directly to the printer.

This will be an example of a mini system and you will complete true system analysis and design from start to end. You will create the entire system from scratch by building the tables, relationships, populating the tables via data mining and creating a front end form that performs the events identified as needed. You can populate the form with the table data via queries and macros or pure VBA. That option can be chosen by the student.

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