Quiz Questions

Assessment Worksheet

Creating a Scheduled Backup and Replicating System Folders

Course Name and Number: _____________________________________________________ Student Name: ________________________________________________________________ Instructor Name: ______________________________________________________________ Lab Due Date: ________________________________________________________________


In this lab, you installed the Windows Distributed File System and Windows Server

Backup features from the PowerShell command line. You scheduled a daily backup of

the C:\ERPdocuments folder on the TargetWindows01 server and replicated this backup

to the TargetWindows02 server using the DFS Replication feature.

Lab Assessment Questions & Answers

1. What is the difference between roles and features in Windows Server 2008?



2. What is installed when you choose the RSAT-DFS-MGMT-Con feature?


3. How often should servers be backed up?



4. What are the different types of data backup that are performed?




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www.jblearning.com Student Lab Manual

5. What is the command to create a share?



6. What is a differential backup?


  1. Course Name and Number:
  2. Student Name:
  3. Instructor Name:

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