Long-Term Care Reimbursement

The federal and state governments are the largest payers of health care services in the United States. The largest federal programs are the Medicare and Medicaid services.

Using the information from the textbooks, lectures, and Internet resources, provide a brief summary of Medicare and Medicaid services in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document. To get up-to-date information on the programs, review the information shared on the following websites :

In your summary, include the following points:

  • An overview of the different Medicare and Medicaid services
  • The population covered under Medicare and Medicaid services
  • The services of long-term care covered under Medicare and Medicaid, including the restrictions placed on them

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Submission Details

Name your document SU_HSC3010_W4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Submit your document to the W4 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, May 30, 2017.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Described different Medicaid and Medicare services.
Identified the population covered under Medicare and Medicaid.
Identified the services of long-term care covered by Medicare and Medicaid.
Analyzed and justified the restrictions implied on the long-term care services to be covered under Medicare and Medicaid.
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format.

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