Evidence Based Practice Poster And Presentation

Nurs 363 : Evidence Based Practice Poster 

and Presentation.  

Objective:  To help nursing students become accustomed to searching the literature for evidence that supports nursing practice, and to polish poster creation and presentation skills.

Task:  You are an experienced nurse who just signed a contract for a staff position at Passaway General Hospital.  On your first month at work, you notice a few questionable nursing practices that you learned to do differently at your previous place of employment.  As a BSN-prepared nurse, your unit manager has asked you to review the best evidence on the topic and create an A/V poster presentation for your colleagues on the unit.   He has asked you record your presentation so both night and day shifts can view it at their convenience.

Issues:  The following is a list of your priority areas.  You must choose one to focus on right now.

IV Insertion

Use of Bariatric beds

Nursing uniforms for proper identification

Bed pans

Bed baths vs Bath wipes

Proper use of Restraints

Intramuscular injection technique

Wet to dry dressing changes

Fundal massage

Umbilical cord care

Nasogastric tube insertion

Use of Bed Alarms

Transfusion procedures

Prevention of CLABSI

Tracheostomy Care


1. Choose a topic area from the list above.

2.  Review nursing, medical, and evidence-based practice literature related to your topic, following guidelines from the rubric to ensure you obtain information that addresses each section of the rubric.

3.  Critically appraise the evidence you have located using the CASP Tool (refer to textbook) to determine the strength of the studies you base your recommendations upon.

4.  Synthesize information using the grading rubric as a guide.

4.  Create a Professional Poster:  Create a professional scientific poster in MS Power point, to be saved as a computer file (you do not need to have it printed) using a scientific poster template.  Poster templates can be downloaded from many sources.  Here are a few suggestions.




Read the Article:  How to Create a Professional Poster in PLE resources, as your guide for spacing, text size, headings, and content in your poster.  Poster examples are also located in the resources tab. See article attached.

Please Note:  A good presentation should address each of the areas of the rubric below.  However, your poster should not contain, word for word, everything in the rubric.  There should not be full paragraphs on your poster. Please use bullet points. The purpose of the poster is to highlight and summarize the information.

Other useful resources/materials :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ds2WEVLoVE


EBP Project Grading Rubric





Faculty Comments





· Clearly introduce/identify the   topic

· Identify the types of   organizations or nursing units that would be interested in topic and able to   apply EBP recommendations related to this topic



· Identify the relevant patient   population for this topic

· Identify the usual patient   outcomes related to this topic.



Synthesize at least 3   current research articles related to the topic. Discuss individual articles   separately, identifying the following:

  • Purpose/Research        Question/Hypothesis
  • Identify        variables in the study.  If appropriate, label them as independent        or dependent.  State how each variable is measured.
  • Sample        size
  • Design:         Identify the type of design the researchers used.
  • Findings:         Briefly state in your own words the findings of the study.  If        multiple research questions are present in the study, state the findings        for each.
  • Implications:         Briefly state in your own words what the researchers indicated future        studies should focus on, what new areas should be researched, or how the        findings impact clinical practice.

Synthesize   the findings of all three (or more) articles into a summary of research on   your topic.



Identify and summarize systematic   review articles related to the topic.

· Include a summary of any   meta-analysis articles that are related to the topic.

Identify and summarize any   practice guidelines related to the topic area.



Identify current recommended   nursing interventions discussed in the evidenced based literature, systematic   review or practice guidelines.

· Identify the level of evidence for   each recommendation.



For each of the major   recommendations identified, discuss whether there is sufficient evidence to   warrant a change to policies and procedures according to what is current in   the research literature. Identify which nursing guidelines are inconsistent   with the recommendations in the research literature



Conclusion: should be brief but   thoughtful.

· As part of the conclusion,   summarize the overall progression of evidence for this topic

· Identify the areas most in need of   additional systematic research.



Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation   use of citations on poster



Properly uploaded per instructions   (Audio and Video with visible poster)



Professional poster appearance using   powerpoint



Presentation Skills



Total Points


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