Database 2013

Case Problem 2

Data File needed for this Case Problem: Tutoring.accdb

O Brien Educational Services Karen O Brien wants you to modify an existing report and to create a custom report and mailing labels for the Toutoring database. Complete the following steps:

1.       Open the Tutoring database you worked with Tutorieals 5 and 6

2.       Modify the rptTutorList. Report Figure 7-40 shows a sample of the completed report.


a.       Delete the picture at the top of the report

b.      Set normal margins, and a grid width of 7.8 inches.

c.       Center the report title and ensure the text is “Tutors” , bold and 22 pt.

d.      Move the Hire Date column to the right margin, and center the Hire Date label value. Use horizontal spacing to evenly distribute the columns.

e.      Remove the alternate row color from the detail lines in the report.

f.        Remove the alternate row color from the detail lines in the report

g.       Change the page number formant from “Page n of m” to Page n” and align the text to the right.

h.      Move the date, time, and page number to the Page Header section.

i.         Change the date format to short date and align the text to the left.

j.        Add a grand total control that calculates the total number of tutors and add a label with the text “Total Tutors”.

k.       Sort the tutors by last Name.

3.       Create a query that displays, in order , the LastName and FirstName fields from the tblTutor table, the SessionType field from the tblContract table, the FirstName and LastName fields from the tblStudent table, and the NumSessions and Cost fields from the tblContract table. Sort in ascending order by the first three fields in the query, and then save the query as qryTutorSessions.

4.       Create a custom report based on the qryTutorSessions query.

A.      Save the report as rptTutorSessions.

B.      The LastName field (from the tblTutor table) is a grouping field, and the FirstName field also appears in the Group Header section.

C.      The SessionType field is a sort field, and the LastName field (from the tblStudent table) is a sort field.

D.      Hide duplicate values for the SessionType field.

E.       Use Wide margins and set the grid width to 7 inches. Size fields as shown and distribute horizontally using spacing to create a balanced look.

F.       Set the background color for the grouped header and its controls to Background 2 in the Theme colors.

G.     Use black font for all the controls, setting the lines’ thickness to 3 pt.

5.       Create a mailing label report according to the following instructions:

a.       Use the tblStudent table as the record source.

b.      Use Avery C2160 labels, use a 12-point font size and use the other default font and color options.

c.       For the prototype label, place FirstName, a space, and LastName on the first line; Address on the second line; and City, a comma and a space, State, a space, and Zip on the third line.

d.      Sort by Zip and then by LastName, and then enter the report name rptStudentMailingLabels.

e.      Change the mailing label layout to snaking columns.

6.       Make a backup copy of the database, compact and repair it, and then close the Tutoring database.

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