Part 2

1. IT Strategies – Write four (4) IT strategies and explain how they align to one or more of the business strategies from ITSP #1, Section 1, including the compliance requirements, articulated in the Case Study. If these business strategies were not included in your Part 1 paper, you should add these strategies into Part 1 prior to submitting this assignment. When the full ITSP is submitted for this assignment, there should be a clear link between the business strategies in Part 1 and the IT Strategies in Part 2. Provide at least one (1) internal IT strategy and two (2) business-enabling IT strategies and identify each as either and internal or business-enabling strategy. Refer to the reading on “Creating a Future Vision for the Chief Information Officer” for

an explanation of internal and external (business-enabling) IT strategies. IT strategies are not business strategic objectives but could be general IT initiatives (not specific projects) that support the business objectives from the ITSP #1.

Please complete the following table by copying/pasting it into your paper for this section:


IT Strategy (state the IT Strategy)

State the Business Strategic Objective from the ITSP #1   assignment, then Explain the Alignment of the IT Strategy in the first column   to the stated Business Strategic Objective

Internal/Business-Enabling (state the words “Internal” or   “Business Enabling”)


Example: do not use but leave it in the table when   completing this section.

Meet   compliance requirements by updating current technology or developing/acquiring   new technology to meet those mandates

· Business Strategic Objective: Meet FMSCA reporting requirements   for driving hours by the company’s drivers

· Explanation of the Alignment of the IT Strategy to the   Business Strategic Objective: By acquiring   or developing technology that will capture and store driver hours   electronically, the company will be in compliance with FMSCA regulations and   be able to provide this information upon request.




· Business Strategic Objective:

· Explanation of Alignment of the IT Strategy to the   Business Strategic Objective:



· Business Strategic Objective:

· Explanation of Alignment of the IT Strategy to the   Business Strategic Objective:



· Business Strategic Objective:

· Explanation of Alignment of the IT Strategy to the   Business Strategic Objective:



· Business Strategic Objective:

· Explanation of Alignment of the IT Strategy to the   Business Strategic Objective:

2. IT Portfolio Roadmap – The overall IT Roadmap shows the systems that are currently in development or are planned to start within the time frame shown.  It is a summary of projects to support your proposed strategy.  You should review the case study and identify the new systems that the stakeholders are requesting or that GGFRT has decided to implement.  Each of these systems should be entered into the table below under the appropriate functional area, such as marketing or finance.  Then, the time frame for developing the system should be presented as a bar in the table.  The table covers a six-quarter time frame shown, with each quarter having three months. Thus, the six-quarter time frame looks out a year and a half into the development and implementation of the strategy. Of course, the entire implementation may take longer, but six quarters allows both short term and long term to be viewed at a glance. For purposes of this assignment, only the projected timeframes to develop the projects are

required. Assume that the beginning of Quarter 1 is today with the projects already in the development process. The table below is a sample only and shows the five functional areas of an example company and two systems for each area. To develop your roadmap, use a table like the one below to create a timeline; you can copy the table, insert the functional areas and systems that are discussed in the Case Study, and use ‘insert shape – rectangle’ to insert the bars showing the timeframes for development of each. The functional areas and projects in development, and their timeframes should be extracted from the Case Study. Be sure to include an introductory paragraph to explain the table that will follow. (You will have 3 projects that are in the current portfolio plus your proposed project from the next section, in your roadmap once it is completed.)

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