Wk 5 – Applying Critical Thinking Reflection

Assignment Content

  1. Over the past 5 weeks, you have learned about different elements related to critical thinking. You related the concepts to your personal experiences and evaluated your critical thinking skills. You have identified fallacies, evaluated arguments, and learned the role of these concepts in your daily life. Now it’s time to apply the concepts. In this assignment, you will review a real-world scenario and apply the critical thinking skills you have developed.

    Review the Real-World Critical Thinking Scenario.

    Write a 350- to 700-word reflection on the scenario, using the Reflection Template. Follow the instructions within the template to complete your reflection. You will need to include an introduction paragraph to introduce your reader to the topics you will be discussing; 3 body paragraphs, each with specific questions that need to be addressed within; and a conclusion paragraph to bring your paper to a close.

    Note: The Reflection Template is already formatted appropriately, and you do not need to make any changes to the format. The questions to help you write the 3 paragraphs are contained in the template. Be sure to demonstrate your critical thinking abilities in your responses to the questions and ensure your paper flows well from topic to topic.

    Submit your assignment.

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