Week 7 Assignment


Title Page

Research question in your title: Incudes specific population and disparity within chosen public health issue
Has correct grammar and syntax
Abstract (1 page)
Materials and methods
Introduction (1 Page)
Definition of your topic (police brutality, climate change, mental health, systemic poverty etc.)
State the problem related to the medical condition
Define public health
Explain the benefits of a public health approach
End with purpose of paper
Scientific and economic perspectives of inquiry (6 page)
Establish your topic is a problem (establish link between health issue and medical condition in your population)
Medical diagnoses one
Define the medical condition
How it effects the body
How does the injustice contribute to the medical diagnosis for your population
Medical diagnoses two
Define the medical condition
How it effects the body
How does the injustice contribute to the medical diagnosis for your population
Medical diagnoses three
Define the medical condition
How it effects the body
How does the injustice contribute to the medical diagnosis for your population
What are the economic issues involved?
Other (will be specific to your topic)
Cultural and ethical perspectives of inquiry (6 page)
Origin of environmental/social injustice
Brief history
Cause(s) of injustice – may have more than one
Money, power, and control
Cultural values and/or norms influence the issue
Ethical obligations of the health care profession
Conclusion (1 page)
Paragraph one
State the problem (1 sentence)
State the consequences (1 sentence)
State what it will take to fix (1 sentence)
Middle paragraphs
Offer solutions (legal and other interventions)
Last paragraph
Concludes that the evidence supports that your topic is a public health issue

Reference page (with correct formatting)
Reference title
Not in bold
12 font
Not underlined
No :
Hanging indent

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