Week 6 Quiz


The correct way to present the information for a book title
in an APA reference page is:

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2010). Essentials of
organizational behavior (10th ed.). Danvers, MA: Prentice Hall.

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2010). Essentials of
Organizational Behavior (10th ed.). Danvers, MA: Prentice Hall.

Robbins, S. P., et al. (2010). Essentials of Organizational
Behavior (10th edition). Danvers, MA: Prentice Hall.

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2010). Essentials of
Organizational Behavior (10th edition). Danvers, MA: Prentice Hall.


Where can you find APA resources in the GCU Library’s
Nursing & Health Sciences Library Guide?

Find Books

Agencies & Associations

Citing Sources

Contact the Library


Use the “Find Journals by Title” function to find
the 2014 Nurse Leader article “Using Evidence-Based Advocacy to Improve
the Nation’s Health.” According to the article abstract, which
organization uses evidence-based advocacy to “positively impact the nation’s
health and advance the nursing profession”?

American Academy of Nursing

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education

Arizona Academy of Nursing

American Nurses Association


Caldwell and Hayes published an excellent paper in the 2007
issue of the Journal of Management Development and you would like to summarize
a claim from this resource. Which of the following represents the correct APA
in-text citation format?

Great leaders achieve their success because they understand
who they are.

Great leaders achieve their success because they understand
who they are (Journal of Management Development, 2007).

Great leaders achieve their success because they understand
who they are (2007).

Great leaders achieve their success because they understand
who they are (Caldwell & Hayes, 2007).


On page 263 of Caldwell and Hayes’ paper published in 2007,
they talked about some ideas they took from Likert’s work. This is the original
excerpt from their paper: “Relationship development behaviors encompass a
people-centered focus on leadership (Likert, 1961).” Which of the below
best represents how this sentence should be quoted in an APA-formatted student

“Relationship development behaviors encompass a
people-centered focus on leadership (Likert, 1961)”.

“Relationship development behaviors encompass a
people-centered focus on leadership” (Caldwell & Hayes, 2007).

“Relationship development behaviors encompass a
people-centered focus on leadership” (Likert, 1961, p. 263).

“Relationship development behaviors encompass a
people-centered focus on leadership” (Likert as cited in Caldwell &
Hayes, 2007, p. 263).


When a reference material has three or more authors (for
example, a 2008 article by Smith, Jones, and Johnson):

Use (Smith, Jones, & Johnson, 2008) in-text.

Use (Smith et al., 2008) all the time in the paper and on
the reference list.

Use (Smith et al., 2008) all the time in the paper, but list
all of the authors on the reference list Smith, Jones, & Johnson, 2008).

Use all the authors on the reference list: Smith, A., Jones,
F., & Johnson, J. (2008). Use all the authors when citing for the first
time in the body of the paper (Smith, Jones, & Johnson, 2008). After that,
you can use (Smith et al., 2008) in the body of the paper.


The Nursing & Health Science LibGuides page does not
offer which of the following resources?

A list of prescreened articles that are perfectly
appropriate for every assignment

Recommended databases for subject-specific article searches

A printable resource guide with quick tips for conducting

Contact information for the LibGuides’ Librarian


You are writing an essay and would like to direct the reader
to a specific article. The article is in the 86th volume of Journal of
Counseling and Development, written by Glenn W. Lambie, Shari M. Sias, Keith M.
Davis, Gerald Lawson, and Patrick Akos. It was called “A Scholarly Writing
Resource for Counselor Educators and Their Students.” It is an article
that came out in the Winter 2008 issue (the journal’s first issue of that
year), on pages 18-25. The information in the article should be presented on
the reference page as:

Lambie, G. et al. (2008). A Scholarly Writing Resource for
Counselor Educators and Their Students. Journal of Counseling and Development,
86(1), 18-25.

Lambie, Glenn W., Sias, Shari M., Davis, Keith, Lawson,
Gerald, & Akos, Patrick (2008). A Scholarly Writing Resource for Counselor
Educators and Their Students. Journal of Counseling and Development, 86(1),

Lambie, G., Sias, S. M., Davis, K. M., Lawson, G., &
Akos, P. (2008). A Scholarly Writing Resource for Counselor Educators and Their
Students. Journal of Counseling and Development, 86(1), 18-25.

Lambie, G., Sias, S. M., Davis, K. M., Lawson, G., &
Akos, P. (2008). A scholarly writing resource for counselor educators and their
students. Journal of Counseling and Development, 86(1), 18-25.


Use the GCU Library to find a peer-reviewed article specific
to iodine deficiency in rural Australia. The article must be from 2010 or later
and should include considerations about regional and national health policy.
What are the findings of the article?

Australia’s national bread fortification program failed to
address iodine deficiencies within pregnant women in one region.

Australia’s iodine supplement policy, a national bread
fortification program, is unlikely to be successful.

Searching electronic results may not be sufficient for
formulating a national health policy or interventions.

All answers are true.


Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation,
assuming it is the first time an author is cited in the paragraph:

The traits studied included physical stature, appearance,
social class, emotional stability, fluency of speech, and sociability
(Northouse, 2004).

The traits studied included physical stature, appearance,
social class, emotional stability, fluency of speech, and sociability (2004).

The traits studied included physical stature, appearance,
social class, emotional stability, fluency of speech, and sociability

The traits studied included physical stature, appearance,
social class, emotional stability, fluency of speech, and sociability
(Northouse, P. G., 2004).


When creating an APA reference list:

You should include anything you read, even if you did not
cite it in the paper, to be sure you listed enough references.

You should include anything cited within the materials you

You should include only those materials cited in your paper,
and double check that any ideas taken from reading other people’s work were

You should include some good articles that are related to
your paper, which the reader should access if they have time.


You want to supplement a paper with evidence-based research
about complementary practices. Which database would be a good place to start
your research?

Cochrane Library

Joanna Briggs Institute EBP

Natural Standard



Access ProQuest Health and Medical Complete and search for
the 2014 article “Core Communication Competencies in Patient-Centered
Care.” According to the article, health literacy is a tool used in which
of the following?

Health promotion

Management of chronic illness

Quality of life

All answers are true.


A hanging indent on the reference page means:

The first line of a reference is indented 0.5″, and all
remaining lines of the same reference are at the left margin.

All of lines in a reference are at the left margin.

The first line of a reference is at the left margin, and all
remaining lines of the same reference are indented 0.5″.

As long as all the information is there, it does not matter
how it is typed on the reference page.


Use the CINAHL Complete database to search for articles
about adolescent development and spirituality. Select the article about
wellness and nursing which includes a comparison of an “Ideal State of
Wellness” and those of adolescents. Select the answer that best represents
findings of the wellness survey described in the article.

Spirituality contributes the most to adolescent wellness.

Adolescents in the study saw wellness as a multidimensional
concept, encompassing factors like healthy relationships, emotional stability,
and spirituality.

To improve adolescent wellness, nurses can take strategies
that focus on psychological factors and social media awareness.

The guiding framework for the study involved intellectual,
physical, psychological, social, and spiritual factors.


You are interested in reviewing past capstones that include
health literacy. After accessing the GCU Library Catalog (LopeCat), how do you
find these resources?

Search for “capstones”

Search for “health literacy capstones”

Search for “health literacy” and in the Refine by
search bar, select GCU Nursing Capstones

Search for “health literacy” and in the Refine by
search bar, enter “capstone” as an additional term


While conducting research about prostate cancer
interventions you read about a drug called Abarelix. Which specific Library
resource could you use to find out more information about clinical trials?

The Cochrane Library

Institute of Medicine

Natural Standard

None of these databases include clinical trials.


If you have two articles written by Jeff Smith in 2004 cited
in your paper and on your reference list:

You do not have to do anything else.

Both in-text and on the reference list, you should put
letters after the year to tell them apart (e.g., Smith, 2004a and Smith,

You should use the titles in the in-text citation to
differentiate between the two.

You should use the first name spelled out on one of them so
the reader can see the difference.


Which of the following is not one of the Evidence-Based
Practice databases available through the GCU Library’s Nursing & Health
Sciences Library Guide?

Cochrane Library

Joanna Briggs Institute EBP

Institute of Medicine

American Health Care Association: Trends and Statistics


What resource would benefit students who want to receive
notifications when new research is available?

Ask a Librarian, available on the Library’s main page

Citing Sources, available at the Tutorials section of the

Creating Search Alerts, available at the Tutorials section
of the Library

Interlibrary Loans, available on the Library’s main page


Students searching for “objective, detailed information
on clinical practice guidelines” would utilize which of the following

AHRQ: EPC Evidence Based Reports

CINAHL Complete

Institute of Medicine

National Guidelines Clearinghouse


Which of the following are correct formats for an APA paper:

Single spaced, 10 pt. font, with 1.0″ margins

Double spaced paper, 12 pt. font, centered text

1.0″ margins, double spaced paper, Calibri font

Times New Roman font, double spaced, 12 pt. font


Caldwell and Hayes published an excellent paper in the 2007
issue of the Journal of Management Development. You would like to directly quote
from page 275. Which of the following represents the correct APA in-text
citation format?

“The study shows that the actions of leaders in the
areas of image management and relationship development impact employees’
perceptions of trustworthiness” (page 275).

“The study shows that the actions of leaders in the
areas of image management and relationship development impact employees’
perceptions of trustworthiness” (Caldwell & Hayes, 2007, p. 275).

“The study shows that the actions of leaders in the
areas of image management and relationship development impact employees’
perceptions of trustworthiness” (2007).

Caldwell and Hayes said that the study shows that the
actions of leaders in the areas of image management and relationship
development impact employees’ perceptions of trustworthiness.


Which of the following is NOT a Boolean operator for an
EBSCO search?






Which of the following is most correct for a direct quote
(using APA format):

Integrity is the quality of honesty and trustworthiness
(Northouse, 2005).

“Integrity is the quality of honesty and
trustworthiness” (Northouse, 2005, p. 21).

“Integrity is the quality of honesty and
trustworthiness” (Northouse, 2005).

Integrity is the quality of honesty and trustworthiness
(Northouse, 2005, p. 21).

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