Week 4 – Interactive Assignment

 Pseudo-Code with Flowchart

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, read Chapter 1 of Essential Algorithms: A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms, view the Create a Flowchart Using Visio (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Programming Basics #36 Writing Pseudocode (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. videos, and review any relevant information in this week’s lecture.

For this assignment, please consider the following business problem. Your boss has asked you to design an algorithm for a cash register program. For this interactive assignment, you will create a flowchart for this program as well as write the pseudo code.

In a typical scenario for checking out at a register, the cashier will scan new items and the register will record the barcode and price for each new item, until there are no new items to enter. The flowchart and pseudo code need to account for these typical actions.

For both your flowchart and pseudo code you must include the following:

  • Record the barcode and price for each new item scanned.
  • Print each new item scanned to the receipt.
  • Add each new item price to the subtotal.
  • Calculate sales tax on the subtotal at a rate of 6% when there are no additional new items to enter.
  • Calculate the overall total.
  • Print the sales tax calculation and overall total on the receipt.

In a separate document create the flowchart for your algorithm including the required elements in the bullet-list above. (Please review the required chapter reading for additional information for completing this step.) Save the flowchart document and attach it to your initial post. In the initial post, formulate the pseudo code for creating the algorithm you designed in the flowchart.

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