Venn Diagram, Exploring Different Parts Of The Operating System

 Exploring Different Parts of an Operating System Using Venn Diagrams An excellent way to explain how the different parts of an operating system (OS) support each other is by using a Venn diagram. This can show how the different parts intersect to form the whole system. In this project, you will create Venn diagrams displaying the different areas of an OS. Your Venn diagrams should illustrate the five tasks that OSs perform, which are listed below: 1. process management, 2. memory management, 3. file system management, 4. device management, and 5. system security/network management. For each task, you will include a Venn diagram and approximately two paragraphs of explanation. Each Venn diagram and associated explanation will be on one page, for a project total of five pages. Your explanations should include the information below. Explain the components. Describe the task’s role in OS security. Identify the major tasks of an OS. Examine how different networks are managed by the OS. You should use at least one academic source besides the textbook, preferably from the CSU Online Library, to support your assignment. All sources must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA style. If you are using Microsoft Word, you can develop a Venn diagram using the product from For an example of how to create a Venn diagram using Microsoft Word, see the explanation by clicking the link below. Microsoft. (n.d.). Create a Venn diagram. Retrieved from ITC 3306, Operating Systems 4 Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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