Value-Added Work in Manufacturing


Value-Added Work in Manufacturing Value-added work is the work that is actually valuable And results in a finished product. The customer only pays for value. (real or as perceived by the customer) It’s a chain reaction. Value creates demand. Value-added work is utilizing resources that add value to the finished product In all phases of business: design, manufacturing, packaging, transport, marketing, and after-sales service In order for manufacturing work to be considered value-added, it generally takes three factors.

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Value-Added Work in Manufacturing


Value-Added Work in Manufacturing Value-added work is the work that is actually valuable And results in a finished product. The customer only pays for value. (real or as perceived by the customer) It’s a chain reaction. Value creates demand. Value-added work is utilizing resources that add value to the finished product In all phases of business: design, manufacturing, packaging, transport, marketing, and after-sales service In order for manufacturing work to be considered value-added, it generally takes three factors.

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