Targeting Markets

The organization for this assignment – Amedisys Hospice of Greater Chesapeake.

After completing your research, prepare your Written Assignment 2 intermediate deliverables (relevant submission folders are in the sub-modules) as directed by the general guidelines for written assignments in the syllabus, project descriptions, by answering each of the following questions in turn:

Name and describe the health service organization.
Describe its primary target market in terms of the segmentation variables presented in the Week 4 Overview. You can use the PRIZM system or describe it yourself.
What kind of behaviors do its patients/clients exhibit when making a decision to use the organization’s services? Might want to refer to the Health Service Model.
What do you think is the organization’s value proposition? Use the generic value propositions outlined in the Week 4 Overview.
Describe the organization’s primary competitors. If possible, prepare a positioning map using two variables important to the patients/clients of the organization.
Based on your competitive analysis, what do you is the organization’s competitive position?
What recommendations would you make for changes to the organization’s target market, services or competitive position and why?

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