SWE410-1401B-01 Software Processes – ON LINE STORE

Section 3: Requirements Management (REQM)


Review the practice area for Requirements Management in CMMI (or Software Requirements Analysis in ISO 12207 if you have access to it).


  • In 2–3 paragraphs, summarize how the practice area is supposed to help teams.
  • Describe 2 things that your team should do (based on this standard) in your project to promote quality requirements (1–2 paragraphs each).


Section 4: Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA)


Review the practice area for Product and Process Quality Assurance (PPQA) in CMMI.


  • Within 2–3 paragraphs, summarize how the practice area is supposed to help teams.
  • Describe 2 things that your team should do (based on this standard) in your project to promote quality requirements (1–2 paragraphs each).


Please Note:


The key to this assignment is to be able to review a standard and pick out the important things that you think will make a difference in the project. Not everyone’s answers will be the same, so choose those that will help your project team the best, based on your approach.



This assignbment needs improvement on my key assignment


  • Update all of the previous sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Change the cover sheet to indicate the current phase, date, etc.
  • Add the sections below to your document.


Section 5: Software Development Methodology


  • Choose a software development methodology to be used for this project based on the specific need of the project and the level of governance that is required.
  • Provide 3–4 features of the model that crystallized your decision to use it. Be sure to explain these features as key features, with 2–3 sentences about each.
  • Include a diagram and describe key parts. There should be a paragraph description of the model and how it flows.
  • Detail 2–3 risks of using this methodology, and include mitigation strategies to minimize those risks.


Section 6: Standards


Scenario: You are trying to create a quality project. Although your team is pretty good, you should make sure they are aware of—and hone in on—a handful of activities that will make or break the project. This is where you use the standards to see where you can shore up your processes.


  • Review CMMI (or ISO Practice) areas regarding requirements, development and testing. Possible areas to research include (but are not limited to):
    • Requirements management (REQM)
    • Technical Solution (TS)
    • Verification (VER)
  • Select 7 things that should be focused on for this project. These should be based on the project type and methodology used (try to spread them across those three areas).
  • Of these 7, create a table that lists the 7 key activities that should happen to promote quality, and describe that activity.
  • In the table, include 2 columns:
    • The activities to promote quality
    • A short description regarding the activity and how it will promote quality


This is Mondays Assignment added to my Key assignment




  • Update all previous sections based on instructor and peer feedback.
  • Change the cover sheet to indicate the current phase, date, etc.
  • Add the sections below to your document.


Section 7: Project Quality


  • Based on the model you chose, determine the various project milestones that are within the project. Describe the review process that will take place at each of these milestones, such as the following:
    • At the end of project planning, the charter, project plan, and schedule will be reviewed and approved.
    • At the end of the requirements phase, all requirements and early design documents will be reviewed and approved by a specific person and with a specific focus.
    • There should be at least 8–10 minor and major milestones (could be a document sign-off, to a phase-end).
  • Feel free to create a table of these things, and if necessary, map it to the governance needed and the project management activities.
  • You can do this with a table or a diagram, and put some comments after it describing the key points.
  • This entire section should be very usable. Long paragraphs are not needed. A table or a diagram is more appropriate.




Section 8: Product Quality








  • Describe the type of product testing that will take place for this project at a summary level in the opening paragraph of this section.




Phases of testing:




  • In the next section, indicate the phases of testing that will take place. Identify the deliverables and approvals that will need to be delivered.
  • Include (at a minimum) the following:
    • Unit
    • Integration
    • System
    • Acceptance
    • Performance or usability
  • Describe each type of testing within 2–3 sentences each. Include the goal of each phase of testing, as well as the roles involved.
  • This is an actionabledocument that a lot of people will use. Present this information in an easy-to-read format, such as a table.

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