strategic recommendations


Individual task is to develop strategic recommendations (3-5-year time horizon) for Apple (organisation).  To present a succinct outline of your high-level, broad marketing strategy recommendations and  rationale.


Ensure that  written report and oral presentation are of a high professional standard.  aim is to present a succinct and persuasive snapshot of your strategic recommendations, emphasising the most essential points. I ampresenting your strategic recommendations to the organisation’s management team for approval.


Task 1 – strategic challenges

Strategic challenges summary:

identify what specific strategic challenge (external opportunity or threat) you will develop recommendations to address.
You do not have to address all challenges identified in assessment 1. You may focus on a specific challenge / opportunity

Here you refer back to challenges you highlighted in your assessment 1 analysis. Eg

– Intense competitive industry situation (new competitors entering the market)

– Major socio-cultural shifts changing consumers’ attitudes and values, how they live, shop

Major technological change (ie mobile, AI, IoT

OR given the current situation you may choose to address the unprecedented strategic challenge posed by Covid-19, which all businesses must face – not only the implications now and in the next year (operational tactics), but long-term (strategic 3 – 5 years)

The focus of your assessment must be strategic – that is long-term into the future with a 3 – 5 year timeframe. (not detailed operational tactics outlining what they should do now).

Task 1 : Outline and summarise strategic implications and your predictions / conclusions of the future impact of this challenge on your specific organisation (first task)

In the following assessment tasks you will then develop your strategy to enable your organisation to maintain or develop a sustainable competitive advantage in the long-term

This is challenging as the future is totally unknown, but having a strategy to deal with it puts the organisation in a better position!!

Strategic positioning

What is your organisation’s approach to achieve a competitive advantage?

eg through ‘distinctive competencies’ (RBV, Dynamic capabilities)

Or through ‘positional advantage’ (Porter’s generic strategies, BOS)

Or through both (Day & Wensley model)

– Here you can refer to a strategic marketing model and also integrate your findings from your organisation’s internal review (key strengths!).

TASK 2 _ High level marketing objectives

What are you aiming to achieve by implementing your strategic recommendations?

Objectives should be S.M.A.R.T.


What is your product – market strategy to enable your organisation to address the specific strategic challenge (opportunity / threat) you identified in task 1?

Refer to product-market matrix pg. 107, overview p. 187 (the different strategies are detailed in chapters 7 – 10)

You do not need to apply all strategies! What do you recommend is best so that your organisation is positioned to meet the specific challenge you are focused on!

Task 4

Define which consumer markets are to be targeted with your recommended product-market strategy

Outline the value drivers for each targeted market segment (4Ws)

TASK 5 – Brand positioning

Outline your recommended brand positioning – how should your brand / organisation be perceived by your target markets in comparison to the competition?

Define your customer value proposition (this should be based on the ‘drivers’ you identified in task 4)

Developing a CVP based on brand attributes that matter will ensure your organisation achieves high value and high differentiation for the target market!.

TASK 6 – Customer value creation mix, communication and delivery strategies

  • Broad outline (ref chapter 6) focus on what the target customer most value and how the organisation can create and sustain CVP, ensure brand consistency and maintaining positioning over time
  • – product management and pricing strategies
    – communication strategies (brand management, IMC)
    – delivery strategies
  • A touchpoint map is a useful tool to help recommend the appropriate mix of marketing tools

Task 7: Implementation plan

  • Broad overview outlining how the strategy recommendations are to be operationalised
    – what marketing budget should be allocated for the 3-5year time horizon
    – how will the implementation of the customer value creation mix (task 6) be managed and delivered on?

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strategic recommendations


Individual task is to develop strategic recommendations (3-5-year time horizon) for Apple (organisation).  To present a succinct outline of your high-level, broad marketing strategy recommendations and  rationale.


Ensure that  written report and oral presentation are of a high professional standard.  aim is to present a succinct and persuasive snapshot of your strategic recommendations, emphasising the most essential points. I ampresenting your strategic recommendations to the organisation’s management team for approval.


Task 1 – strategic challenges

Strategic challenges summary:

identify what specific strategic challenge (external opportunity or threat) you will develop recommendations to address.
You do not have to address all challenges identified in assessment 1. You may focus on a specific challenge / opportunity

Here you refer back to challenges you highlighted in your assessment 1 analysis. Eg

– Intense competitive industry situation (new competitors entering the market)

– Major socio-cultural shifts changing consumers’ attitudes and values, how they live, shop

Major technological change (ie mobile, AI, IoT

OR given the current situation you may choose to address the unprecedented strategic challenge posed by Covid-19, which all businesses must face – not only the implications now and in the next year (operational tactics), but long-term (strategic 3 – 5 years)

The focus of your assessment must be strategic – that is long-term into the future with a 3 – 5 year timeframe. (not detailed operational tactics outlining what they should do now).

Task 1 : Outline and summarise strategic implications and your predictions / conclusions of the future impact of this challenge on your specific organisation (first task)

In the following assessment tasks you will then develop your strategy to enable your organisation to maintain or develop a sustainable competitive advantage in the long-term

This is challenging as the future is totally unknown, but having a strategy to deal with it puts the organisation in a better position!!

Strategic positioning

What is your organisation’s approach to achieve a competitive advantage?

eg through ‘distinctive competencies’ (RBV, Dynamic capabilities)

Or through ‘positional advantage’ (Porter’s generic strategies, BOS)

Or through both (Day & Wensley model)

– Here you can refer to a strategic marketing model and also integrate your findings from your organisation’s internal review (key strengths!).

TASK 2 _ High level marketing objectives

What are you aiming to achieve by implementing your strategic recommendations?

Objectives should be S.M.A.R.T.


What is your product – market strategy to enable your organisation to address the specific strategic challenge (opportunity / threat) you identified in task 1?

Refer to product-market matrix pg. 107, overview p. 187 (the different strategies are detailed in chapters 7 – 10)

You do not need to apply all strategies! What do you recommend is best so that your organisation is positioned to meet the specific challenge you are focused on!

Task 4

Define which consumer markets are to be targeted with your recommended product-market strategy

Outline the value drivers for each targeted market segment (4Ws)

TASK 5 – Brand positioning

Outline your recommended brand positioning – how should your brand / organisation be perceived by your target markets in comparison to the competition?

Define your customer value proposition (this should be based on the ‘drivers’ you identified in task 4)

Developing a CVP based on brand attributes that matter will ensure your organisation achieves high value and high differentiation for the target market!.

TASK 6 – Customer value creation mix, communication and delivery strategies

  • Broad outline (ref chapter 6) focus on what the target customer most value and how the organisation can create and sustain CVP, ensure brand consistency and maintaining positioning over time
  • – product management and pricing strategies
    – communication strategies (brand management, IMC)
    – delivery strategies
  • A touchpoint map is a useful tool to help recommend the appropriate mix of marketing tools

Task 7: Implementation plan

  • Broad overview outlining how the strategy recommendations are to be operationalised
    – what marketing budget should be allocated for the 3-5year time horizon
    – how will the implementation of the customer value creation mix (task 6) be managed and delivered on?

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