Speech Self-Evaluation

Watch your speech video and then write a summary of what you think were your strengths and weaknesses and in each of the following areas of the speech:

· Introduction

· Body

· Use of Visual Aids

· Delivery (Conversational, Eye-Contact)

· Conclusion

Then answer the following questions:

1. Were you audience-centered?

2. Were you satisfied/happy with your speech overall? Explain.

3. What would you do differently if you could do this speech again?

4. What are one or two goals you will work on for your next speech?

While watching my speech I believe there were parts of my speech that I did remarkable at and parts that could use some work. During my introduction, I believe that I made a strong thesis statement and let the audience know what the speech would be about. One weakmess that I did notice was that it seemed a little rehersed when I first began. Once I got to the body I relaxed and it became more natural and my delivery was more natural, it was informative but I remained upbeat and lively so it wasn’t boring and I kept the audience engaged with visuals as well. The oral citing was hard for me to stay natural during the speech however at times. My use of visual of aids did not turn how I would of like it to. I did not anticipate the screen being so small when I made visual. This made it very hard for me to fit us both in the camera at the same time so I was unable to refer to t during my speech so I had to remove some articles and just show them as pictures. I tried to share my screen, however then I was going over the alotted time. I did put a lot of effort and energy into my visuals and inorporated much thought into the correlating them into my speech. My delivery overall wasn’t too bad. I feel that I gave a strong, informative speech. I did find that the more I kept practicing, I was becoming more unnatural so I ended up just stopping and submitting. As I mentioned, my weakness with the oral citing, this was a difficult task for me. I defnitely could have made better eye contact with the audience as well. The odd thing was I knew my speech verbatim, I think I was afraid of tripping of the citations that I kept referring back to my notes off screen. My conclusion was strong, it tied the whole speech together, however after watching one thing I noticed, I did not thank the audience for their time.

Yes, I was audience centered. I was happy with my speech overall. I always feel I could do better personally, but every time I did it again, I was sounding like a robot more and more so I had to stop because I felt like I was reciting it and becoming less natural. But when I showed my family and friends,they seemed to think it was pretty good. If I could do it again, I would definitely make eye contact more and not be so nervous about the oral citing and I would not make my visual aid prior to knowing how the screen would end up being so focused on my face that I wouldn’t be able to incorporate it while talking. One goal I will work on for my next speech is to ensure I get my point across in clear, concise manner while maintaining eye contact with my audience.

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