Retail Marketing Mix


Assignment 3: Retail Marketing Mix- Production 3.1: Product Category Structure and Management. A. How do you define category? Provide examples of a minimum of four (4) levels in a category structure for a consumer product. (10 marks) B. Discuss four (4) factors retailers consider when they establish a category. (10 marks) C. In the context of merchandise planning the concept of variety and assortments are fundamental and applied to a merchandise category instead of a retail firm. Discuss the factors that the buyers should consider when determining the variety and assortment for a consumer product. (10 marks)

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Retail Marketing Mix


Assignment 3: Retail Marketing Mix- Production 3.1: Product Category Structure and Management. A. How do you define category? Provide examples of a minimum of four (4) levels in a category structure for a consumer product. (10 marks) B. Discuss four (4) factors retailers consider when they establish a category. (10 marks) C. In the context of merchandise planning the concept of variety and assortments are fundamental and applied to a merchandise category instead of a retail firm. Discuss the factors that the buyers should consider when determining the variety and assortment for a consumer product. (10 marks)

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