
Number 1: KS


Alternative health care is very popular, and like many things, some people are absolutely convinced about its effectiveness while others are on the complete opposite end, believing that it’s nothing but smoke in mirrors. With many of these alternative methods, there are other arguments as well around whether or not they should be used for prevention, treatments, or both. Three resources found on the internet that support alternative preventative health care are: American Holistic Health Association, MedlinePlus, and National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health. Each one of these websites offers many different options for non-traditional preventative health care, including but not limited to: herbals, acupuncture, yoga, pet therapy, and essential oils.

The first resource is the American Holistic Health Association (n.d.). This website is rich in alternative strategies for preventative health. There are multiple blogs, videos, and articles for folks to look information up. There is also a free resource library that provides evidence-based practice information. The site was relatively easy to navigate and the topic headings were engaging and short enough to hold someone’s attention.

The second resource is MedlinePlus (n.d.). This website is also full of different resources for alternative preventative health care. It discusses what complimentary and alternative medicine is and how it can be used. The links are easy to follow and click on, and the titles were varied and engaging.

The last resource I looked at was the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health. (n.d.). This site was also easy to navigate. The topic headings were colorful and identifiable with many different alternative health options to choose from. There were sections on news, blogs, research, and general information.

Ultimately, all three websites were rich in information that would be helpful for folks who were looking for alternative ways to live healthy lifestyles. Many different options and venues were available on each site. Each site also encouraged the person to make sure they discussed their care with their health provider. The limitations with these websites would most likely be for those who have limited web access or knowledge of computer websites and navigating through all of the options. I believe that in a primary practice, I would refer anyone interested in alternative preventative health options to these sites; however, the main user group would most likely be early 20’s to late 70’s at this time. As our population ages and technology becomes more enmeshed in most people’s lives, the ages could expand. I too, could refer to these resources when patients present and explain alternative methods of healthcare they are practicing. The easy availability of these internet resources allows patients to be more aware of the care and options available to them, as well as allowing them to better collaborate with their providers regarding what’s important to them and their health (Bussey & Sillence, 2019).


Number 2 post: RV

Many types of therapy can help individuals improve their social and collective skills, motor control, physical skills, and emotional development. Music therapy is non-exceptional for these benefits. Music therapy is an evidence-based therapy and management that enhance memory for Dementia. It lowers blood pressure for patients with cardiac conditions, improves coping mechanisms and self-esteem for patients with depression, and helps to reduce stress as well. Furthermore, music therapy is beneficial to the patient because it promotes wellness, minimizes pain, improves communication, and supports physical rehabilitation. Music therapy is a non-medicinal approach, non-invasive, cost-effective, and rejuvenates and energizes naturally (Saraswati & Dixit, 2018). Music therapy is also a means to convey non-verbal communication for some individuals who have difficulty expressing themselves in words, like an aphasic patient.


On the other hand, there are certain limitations or restrictions to music therapy. For instance, it can overstimulate, increase heartbeat, respiratory rate by the type of music or instruments used. This type of stimulation can be detrimental for babies and can cause neurological distress or uneasiness. While in some cases, music can alleviate anxiety and, at the same time, trigger anxiety. The wrong music can heighten their anxiety level for a Demented patient (Outcomes, benefits, and drawbacks of music therapy. Incadence Music Therapy Blog, n.d.). Additionally, a particular type of music can cause depression for patients dealing with Alzheimer’s dementia disease.


The healthcare cost continually rose, and some patients couldn’t afford to pay for their medical bills. Therefore, the physician or the advanced practice nurse utilizes a different method, cost-effective regimen, alternative to traditional medical interventions is music therapy. A form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with an interdisciplinary healthcare team’s approach and train the practitioners to different CAM practices (Franco et al., 2018). Complete comprehension of different approaches and by adopting evidence-based CAM is crucial to all the practitioners so they can utilize the music therapy which to enhance the higher quality of care under Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance payment configurations.


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