Reflection Paper For My Capstone

I need 2 and half or 3 pages reflection paper in APA format and reference page for my Capstone. This would be 4th week of my Capstone and I want to add this info in my reflection paper:

I can say I am totally out of anxiety now compare to first week, because I know how to handle any situation. I feel even my preceptor count on me for help and always thanked me for helping her. I should say she is very nice and professional as a school nurse and one more time proved me that good instructor or in general teacher have power to make you really motivated to your job or cause you to feel so disappointed. During 4th week I faced anew case of emergency for 7 years old girl who drank milk at home and when she reached to school, her body start itching and all of a sudden red spot appeared all over her body. She just had forgotten that shouldn’t drink milk and her mom didn’t notice that she had some milk. The only thing as a school nurse we could do based on protocol was call her parents to immediately come and get her. I carefully kept eye on her, since I was concerned for respiratory issue. In 15 minutes her mom came and meanwhile I noticed that rashes developed more and she was really uncomfortable. We advised the mom to take her to ER since it getting worse every minute. Also, we had few cases of pink eye and since pink eye is contagious, we called their parents to get them and take them to doctor for treatment. Cases of hair lice, minor gym injury, soar throat, stomachache, and headache are always we have everyday. Those are very common and ordinary that repeat everyday. If I want to say one positive and one negative experience for this week, the positive would be that I learned always acknowledge their feeling even though I realize this is made up story to just be out of the class. I don’t mean that I pretend believed their fake story of being sick, but respectfully handle the issue and understand that so much stress caused them for minutes they need to be out of their class. That was very good experience to me. The negative one would be that a school nurse can’t use even a safe lotion like A&D that really help for minor scratch, as a mom who have 2 school aged kids I know how this simple ointment has many benefit for any mild skin injury. So I decided to share my opinion to district and benefits of helping students with more efficient care. Overall, I enjoyed working with these young generation and every day I learn something new and learn how to handle it in proper way. Looking forward for 5th week and all excitement it would bring to me.

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