Quality Assurance Implementation


Assignment 2: Quality Assurance Implementation Concerns Your management staff needs a better understanding of factors that would inhibit implementation of a Quality Assurance program at their hospital. Identify and describe at least 10 factors that could inhibit implementation of a quality assurance (QA) program at the hospital. Identify the characteristics, defense mechanisms, and behaviors that the hospital may observe when implementing a new QA process. Provide at least three suggestions of how the hospital can minimize the resistance to change in their organization. Write a two- to the three-page executive summary of your findings to the management staff using APA formatting styles. Submit the summary to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox

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Quality Assurance Implementation


Assignment 2: Quality Assurance Implementation Concerns Your management staff needs a better understanding of factors that would inhibit implementation of a Quality Assurance program at their hospital. Identify and describe at least 10 factors that could inhibit implementation of a quality assurance (QA) program at the hospital. Identify the characteristics, defense mechanisms, and behaviors that the hospital may observe when implementing a new QA process. Provide at least three suggestions of how the hospital can minimize the resistance to change in their organization. Write a two- to the three-page executive summary of your findings to the management staff using APA formatting styles. Submit the summary to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox

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