


In order to complete the labs, you must install WAMP, the development server, and a PHP editor of choice, on your Windows computer.

A.                Install the WAMP Development Server following steps in Appendix B.

Install the PHP Editor Tools following steps in Appendix A

For the power users that want to step up from editing using Notepad, install one of these preferential PHP code editor:
⧫    Microsoft Windows WordPad Editor (an optional improvement)

⧫    Microsoft Web Expressions 4.0 (the recommended improvement)

⧫    Microsoft Visual Studio Editor (an optional improvement) Complete Lab Work:


o   Discovery Project 1-1 (p.72)

o   Discovery Project 1-2 (p.72)

o   Discovery Project 1-3 (p.73)

o   Discovery Project 1-4 (p.73)




●  Save any coded PHP programs and scripts in the directory C:\wamp64\www\Wk2Exercise where you will ZIP and Submit the weeks PHP scripts and programs.

●  Submit the completed Exercises (Zip file of Wk2Excercise) directory to the dropbox under the Week1: Assignment submission area as an attachment.

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