Professional marketing knowledge


Needs a lot of reading and carefully thinking.

Must Reading everything. I have re-organized all the materials.

Professional marketing knowledge is required.

It takes a lot of time.

Central Time Zone

Read these two files first:

  • Module 2 – Discussion Post needs.docx
  • Module 2 – Case study needs.docx

1. Discussion posts (Total 7 pages. Includes 6 sections)

  • Five Big Question discussion forum posts (due May 28, 11:59 PM) (1 page each)
  • Audi positioning strategies discussion forum topic posts (due May 29, 11:59 PM) (2 pages)

2. Case study (2 pages)

  • Red Lobster case analysis paper (due May 30, 11:59 PM)



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Professional marketing knowledge


Needs a lot of reading and carefully thinking.

Must Reading everything. I have re-organized all the materials.

Professional marketing knowledge is required.

It takes a lot of time.

Central Time Zone

Read these two files first:

  • Module 2 – Discussion Post needs.docx
  • Module 2 – Case study needs.docx

1. Discussion posts (Total 7 pages. Includes 6 sections)

  • Five Big Question discussion forum posts (due May 28, 11:59 PM) (1 page each)
  • Audi positioning strategies discussion forum topic posts (due May 29, 11:59 PM) (2 pages)

2. Case study (2 pages)

  • Red Lobster case analysis paper (due May 30, 11:59 PM)



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