PRG/420: Java Programming – 4 LABS

(LAB 1) Mad Lib – Loops


Mad Libs are activities that have a person provide various words, which are then used to complete a short story in unexpected (and hopefully funny) ways.

Write a program that takes a string and integer as input, and outputs a sentence using those items as below. The program repeats until the input string is quit 0.

Ex: If the input is:

apples 5

shoes 2

quit 0

the output is:

Eating 5 apples a day keeps the doctor away.

Eating 2 shoes a day keeps the doctor away.

Note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a loop.


(LAB 2) Varied amount of input data


Statistics are often calculated with varying amounts of input data. Write a program that takes any number of non-negative integers as input, and outputs the average and max. A negative integer ends the input and is not included in the statistics.

Ex: When the input is:

15 20 0 5 -1

the output is:

10 20

You can assume that at least one non-negative integer is input.

(LAB 3) Checker for integer string


Forms often allow a user to enter an integer. Write a program that takes in a string representing an integer as input, and outputs yes if every character is a digit 0-9.

Ex: If the input is:


the output is:


Ex: If the input is:




the output is:


Hint: Use a loop and the Character.isDigit() function.

(LAB 4) Remove spaces

Write a program that removes all spaces from the given input.

Ex: If the input is:

Hello my name is John.

the output is:


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