Power Point

Research and Evidence Based Practice


Ana Ivis Perez de Alejo

Brenda Romero

Claudia Perez

Dayli Chicote

Miami Regional University

NUR4100: Research and Evidence Base Practice

Instructor: Janet Villalobos

November 10, 2021


Interrelationship between the theory, research, and EBP.

In order to provide high-quality, patient-centered healthcare, the most common approaches are theory, research, and evidence-based practice. Systematization and formulating research findings to help in defining a specific trend rationally is the goal of theorizing. The findings of quantitative and qualitative research are presented using theories and affirmed hypotheses. The foundations of scientific disciplines can be seen in the theorizing and arguments that have been put forth. Those who follow a positivist approach to science begin with theory and work backward from there.

Based on theory, research is conducted in order to generate new knowledge or verify existing knowledge. Scientific and methodical inquiries are used to answer specific research questions or to test hypotheses in research studies. A thorough understanding of the theory and philosophy of science is required for research, even if it is primarily focused on exploration, discovery, and investigation. A thorough and systematic review of the literature is necessary for research to answer the research questions. Research questions and hypotheses are based on theory because it enables the researcher to identify knowledge gaps. As a starting point for the investigation, the first approach helps guide and support the selection of the best research methodology to be used (Rosenthal, 2016). A study generates data, which are then analyzed and interpreted to arrive at a conclusion.

On the other hand, research requires the creation of new knowledge and the verification of existing data. Translating research findings into clinical decision-making is the focus of this branch of medical science. The evidence-based practice relies on the best available evidence to make patient care decisions. The best evidence is based on solid research. Patients’ preferences and clinical expertise are also taken into consideration in evidence-based practice. “Evidence-based practice avoids bias by considering that experts and leaders may have developed the best evidence without incorporating definitive knowledge from research findings” (Portney, 2020). As opposed to traditional research, the evidence-based practice focuses on applying what has been learned in the lab to real-world situations.

Identify and discuss the research question, sampling and sampling size, research design, hypothesis, data collection methods, and research findings.

Qualitative study

Non-numerical data, such as opinions, concepts, or experiences, are collected and analyzed qualitatively. In this type of research, the goal is to gather information about a specific issue or generate new ideas that can be used to investigate that issue further. This method of investigation is commonly employed in the humanities and social sciences, such as education and medicine. The researchers must choose the appropriate research method. Ensure the research can meet all of its goals and objectives by ensuring that this process goes smoothly.

The goal of this study, which was titled “Understanding process and context in breastfeeding support interventions: The potential of qualitative research,” was to understand the breastfeeding process and context. The researchers hoped to determine if qualitative methods are more effective at elucidating breastfeeding interventions’ psychological effects.

Scientists reviewed previous research studies on this subject. Understanding this study from multiple perspectives was made possible by this research. To a greater extent, ethnography, discourse, and phenomenology would be examined by the researchers. The researchers concluded that qualitative methodologies and the widely used positivist approach differ epistemologically.

Quantitative study

Values, quantities, or numbers are used in quantitative data, which is why it’s called quantitative data. Closed-ended quantitative questions are used in a quantitative data survey, where the respondent is expected to select from a predetermined list of answers. Because of this, the questions can be given numerical values that can later be converted into tables, graphs, and indicators. Researchers will be able to gain critical information that will help them make the best possible decision.

SRM College of Nursing students’ social-demographic variables were examined in a study titled “Assessment of Psychosomatic Distress among B. Sc Nursing Students at SRM College of Nursing.” Students at SRM nursing College were asked to answer the question, “how much psychological stress do they feel?” (Devakani et al., 2019). One hundred and eighty-one nursing students participated in this study. Samples were taken using a convenient non-probability sampling method. The researchers began the data collection process by informing the participants of the study’s purpose. Participants who had signed a consent form were then asked for their permission to participate in the study.

Inferential and descriptive statistics were used in analyzing the data collected through questionnaires. According to the study findings, students’ in the first year experienced high psychological distress. Students’ stress levels decreased as they progressed toward the end of their studies.

Goals, health outcomes, and implementation strategies

The article “Understanding process and context: The potential of qualitative research” analyzed data from a randomized controlled trial to support breastfeeding (Leeming, Marshall, & Locke, 2017). The study was also designed to demonstrate that qualitative research can better understand the processes used to support breastfeeding. Findings from the study reveal how complex the process of supporting breastfeeding women is and how much interaction there needs to be with the surrounding contexts involved in that process. This is because women’s experiences, preferences, and cultural backgrounds influence how they view interventions to support breastfeeding.

A qualitative research method was used in the study to examine the evaluations of breastfeeding interventions. There must be a variety of approaches to breastfeeding support that are used. Qualitative methods and patient participation are essential for healthcare systems to understand how various interventions affect patients.

In the study article “Assessment of Psychological Distress among Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students at SRM College of Nursing,” the primary objective was to assess the psychological distress level among nursing students. In addition, “this study was designed to see if there was a correlation between the level of psychological distress among the students and their socioeconomic status” (Devakani et al., 2019).

According to a study, students in their first year of nursing school were found to have a high level of psychological distress. As the leaner neared the end of their undergraduate career, their level of anxiety subsided significantly. This shows that as the students progressed in their studies, their mental health improved because they were already familiar with the college environment.

The findings of this study necessitate the implementation of their strategies to help nursing students cope with their psychological distress in their first year of school. Students may benefit from educational programs that help them recognize that they may fall short of their goals in the first year of college. But they must understand that they must improve their effectiveness and adopt positive attitudes to achieve their set objectives and become better people. Such education programs may not be available to students who fail to meet their goals and objectives, leading to psychological stress, resulting in disorders like anxiety and stress for others.

It is clear from the study that there are ways to help nursing students cope with their psychological distress. As children get older, they begin to think about their future and what they want to accomplish. However, they must contend with academic, familial, interpersonal, and financial pressures in order to achieve their stated objectives. When a person fails to meet their stated goals, they experience stress, leading to mental health issues. Depression, mood disorders, and anxiety can develop as a result of this kind of stress. As a result, adolescent students should be made aware that if they fail to meet their set goals, it does not mean they have failed in life. Even if their children don’t meet their expectations, parents should still help them succeed. A student’s awareness will help them avoid working under pressure, leading to even better academic and personal results.

Discuss the credibility of the sources and the research/researcher’s findings

Authenticity is measured by the quality and reliability of the data that is collected. The researchers had their data and instruments reviewed by experts in the field of study. The unclear or difficult questions were reworded, and the compound items were rephrased based on the feedback from the experts. In addition, the experts validated the questions and eliminated any that were not working or were ineffective.

The participants were given the results of the questionnaires to verify the information they provided during the study. Non-participants were asked to review and comment on the research findings. But the students are familiar with the subject matter and have a good deal of background knowledge. Using the findings from interviews, questionnaires, and classroom observations, the researcher consults with experts in the field.

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