
Write and paper on Poor oral health issue in the United States and Be sure you

promote a change in oral health behavior using one of the health promotion models we have studied.

You can use any of these models (Health Promotion Models (PATCH, MATCH,

Interventional Mapping, APEXPH, PEN-3). Each student will present an

overview of the issue, providing relevant supporting literature and

data/statistics to support the relevance of the topic to personal and population

health, and select a health promotion model or theory and apply it to the

prevailing condition to produce strategies for increasing health-enhancing

behaviors and creating environments supportive of healthy lifestyles.

The rubric for grading the paper is as follows:

Overview of the health issue—key concepts:  10%

Citation of relevant supporting literature/data to support the relevance of the

topic and to document the extent of the issue (a comprehensive review of the

literature is expected, primarily from scholarly articles; at least ten articles are

required to be from research and professional journals in addition to any web

sources):  25%

The detailed overview of selected health promotion model or theory:  15%

A detailed description of the application of the model/theory to the prevailing

condition and resultant strategies (be sure to apply the model as if setting up a

health promotion program for the resolution of  your issue: see example papers):


Conclusions and recommendations:  15%

Clarity, conciseness, accuracy, logical organization/flow, creativity.  Formal

English must be used.  Do your paper in time to have it reviewed by the writing

Center if needed.  10%

Use the following headings to organize the paper and ensure you have

included all components (failure to do so will result in a loss of 10 points):


  • Overview of the Issue
  •  Supporting Literature/Data
  •  Overview of the model/theory
  •  Application of the model/theory
  • Conclusions/recommendations



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Write and paper on Poor oral health issue in the United States and Be sure you

promote a change in oral health behavior using one of the health promotion models we have studied.

You can use any of these models (Health Promotion Models (PATCH, MATCH,

Interventional Mapping, APEXPH, PEN-3). Each student will present an

overview of the issue, providing relevant supporting literature and

data/statistics to support the relevance of the topic to personal and population

health, and select a health promotion model or theory and apply it to the

prevailing condition to produce strategies for increasing health-enhancing

behaviors and creating environments supportive of healthy lifestyles.

The rubric for grading the paper is as follows:

Overview of the health issue—key concepts:  10%

Citation of relevant supporting literature/data to support the relevance of the

topic and to document the extent of the issue (a comprehensive review of the

literature is expected, primarily from scholarly articles; at least ten articles are

required to be from research and professional journals in addition to any web

sources):  25%

The detailed overview of selected health promotion model or theory:  15%

A detailed description of the application of the model/theory to the prevailing

condition and resultant strategies (be sure to apply the model as if setting up a

health promotion program for the resolution of  your issue: see example papers):


Conclusions and recommendations:  15%

Clarity, conciseness, accuracy, logical organization/flow, creativity.  Formal

English must be used.  Do your paper in time to have it reviewed by the writing

Center if needed.  10%

Use the following headings to organize the paper and ensure you have

included all components (failure to do so will result in a loss of 10 points):


  • Overview of the Issue
  •  Supporting Literature/Data
  •  Overview of the model/theory
  •  Application of the model/theory
  • Conclusions/recommendations



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