Patient Advocacy Ppt


Considering the patient advocacy efforts of the nurse who was unjustly detained for refusing to comply with an unlawful request by law enforcement officers, interview a leader in a health organization eliciting an advocacy story highlighting the power of the nursing voice. Evaluate the power the nursing organization gives the individual nurse to advocate for health policy. Based on the interview you conducted and what you have learned so far this week, create a PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation, which should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Your presentation should address context, purpose, core issues, and strategies for a solution. Use at least 6 scholarly sources and make certain to review the module’s Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation. Log your immersion hours in Project Concert, briefly describing your activities for this module.

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