
1. According to the five versions of Urban II’s speech at Claremont, what was his purpose in calling the crusade?

The purpose of urban Pope was to Collect all Europeans and motivate them to invade are word against Muslims to reclaim the Holy Land. In order to achieve his purpose, he made numerous internal reforms in order two will against simony. Urban pope thinks himself as the Powerful cleric and by using his power he wants to weaken support for his opponents. through his speeches he was raising Christians to fight for their Holy Land that was the achievement of King Charles and his son. he argues that we need to free our land from unclean people who are treating those places with the ignominy and polluting this sacredness. Comment by Ryan: Pope Urban. The name he went by was “Urban.” Comment by Ryan: Why is this capitalized? Comment by Ryan: Who is “we????” You aren’t a European in the 11th century. Comment by Ryan: Same as above. “Our?”

A strong and rousing speech at the council of Clermont where numerous noblemen gathered Pope urban well addressing food and routed to stop did internal fighting’s and focus towards our ideas more to save the lives of their fellow Christians and get back Jerusalem under their authority. The purpose of Pope Urban to raise Crusade over war was Achieved by presenting negative Muslim images to them and exaggerating Muslim actions against Christians. he further promised remission and absolution of wrong doings for all who would die during the war against Muslims. these motivations gave rise to the war and throughout the Europe crusade stands up against Muslims. The March on Jerusalem was joined by 60,000 or more people. And the outcomes of the war results in the death of hundreds of innocent people only name of Holy Land. After the war the Pope realized that lack of discipline among Christian and army professionalism of Muslims is what that made the difference. His words from the speech “Although, O sons of God you had promised more firmly than ever to keep the peace among yourselves and to preserve the right of the church there remains still an important work for you to do, (Fulcher of Chartres, 2021)” Serves as a motivation for crusade and motivate them to go for the completion of their promise they had with God. Comment by Ryan: Read this out loud. This sentence is a mess, and I am totally unsure of what you are trying to say. Comment by Ryan: The crusade was a war. Comment by Ryan: Citation needed. Where did you learn this? Comment by Ryan: resulted Comment by Ryan: thousands Comment by Ryan: Which Pope? Urban was dead before the first crusade ended.

2. What sort of power do we see the Pope claim in these speeches?

The sort of power that we see Pope claimed in the speeches is the power of the papacy and the preacher of God. Add numerous places in his speeches he tries to convey the message that he is concerned about their faithfulness towards God because he supposed to be so. He is a difference in everything to the God and calling crusade by showing his power. He was also trying to show himself as a powerful cleric and after 1088 when he was elected as a poop of the community, he tried his best to undermine his opponents by enforcing strict strategies. As a rule of the papal state, he was trying to there’s a crusade against war in which he was along with using motivational words shattering his powerfulness over them. In the end of the speech his words “grant them through the power of God with which I am invested” shows the level of his imagination because he was trying to impoverish himself by saying that he had power to invest other peoples or he is the only superior to God. Comment by Ryan: the Pope claim Comment by Ryan: What does this mean, though? You make no attempt to explain what this in. In fact, this is a major part of the second question I asked. Comment by Ryan: Citation?? Comment by Ryan: ??

Throughout the speech pope’s Words to betray Muslims and open the board against them shoes he was claiming the power of the owner of the Holy Land or the church and he is the only one heavy concern with the safety of the Holy Land. Even though his claims about his power and over exaggeration of his position were not right because his mission was not as pure as he was showing in speeches. His mission was to fight with Muslims and make them feel lower and weak compared to Christians or Crusade. Powerful words, pride to be the Pope of the Catholic Church and a noble man of the time were some statuses that were making him feel special and powerful who can do anything to transform the existing social structure – although he did, the war happened but outcomes were not expected. Throughout the speech he repetitively saying that he is the massager of God and responsible to motivate people to eliminate internal fights and raise them against the wrongfully claimed land by Muslims (Munro, 1961). Comment by Ryan: the Pope’s words Comment by Ryan: ? Comment by Ryan: What does this mean? Comment by Ryan: says Comment by Ryan: for motivating Comment by Ryan: “against the…land?” that doesn’t make any sense. They are going against the Muslims, not the “land.”


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