Orientation Practice Assessment.

FlexPath Prep Plan

For this assessment, you will create a personal FlexPath Prep Plan.

Remember that this plan is truly for you. Creating it will help you:

Recognize the knowledge, skills, and strengths you bring to your FlexPath experience.

Think about what you may need to change to succeed in FlexPath.

Create a realistic plan for fitting FlexPath course work into your life.

Prepare for your first meeting with your FlexPath coach.

Begin your first academic course feeling prepared.

For each question below, think about what you know about yourself and consider what you have learned in orientation. Use this document and fill in the spaces. Answer each question as completely as possible, using complete sentences. You should be able to write at least 3–4 well-constructed sentences for each bullet point.

Now that you have been through FlexPath orientation, what seems new and different about the FlexPath model, and what adjustments will you need to make to be successful in this model?

Are there things about the FlexPath model that may be a challenge for you, or that make you apprehensive?

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