Organizational Behavior Chapter 11 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Quiz
A) brings knowledge into the organization.
B) distributes knowledge to employees.
C) minimizes the ‘silos of knowledge’ problem that undermines an organization’s potential.
D) improves decision making
E) does of all of the above.
The barriers that distort and obscure the sender’s intended message are called:
A) mediums.
B) encoding.
D) noise.
E) decoding.
Sending an emotionally charged email message is referred to as:
A) emotional contagion.
B) flaming.
C) jargon.
D) emotional outburst.
E) spamming.
Which of these is (are) considered problem(s) with email?
A) Email contributes to information overload.
B) Email is an inefficient medium for communicating in ambiguous or complex situations.
C) It is difficult to interpret the emotional meaning behind email messages.
D) Email seems to reduce our politeness and respect for others.
E) All of the these are problems with email.
Email tends to:
A) reduce the likelihood of information overload.
B) reduce the risk of sending emotionally charged messages to other people.
C) increase the likelihood that the receiver will correctly interpret the emotional meaning of the sender’s message.
D) transmit messages faster than traditional written media.
E) do all of the above.
All of the following are forms of computer-mediated communication, EXCEPT:
A) instant messaging.
B) extrawebs.
C) intranets.
D) podcasting.
E) blogging.
The automatic and subconscious tendency to mimic and synchronize our nonverbal behaviours with other people is called:
A) emotional dissonance.
B) the inoculation effect.
C) emotional contagion.
D) empathy.
E) emotional labour.
Which of these is the richest communication medium?
A) Video conference
B) Face-to-face
C) Email
D) Weblogs
E) Newsletters
Which of these communication channels is the “leanest” in the hierarchy of media richness?
A) Telephone
B) Email
C) Face-to-face
D) Financial statements
E) Instant messaging
The communication barrier (noise) caused when the sender and receiver interpret the same word or phrase differently is called:
A) jargon.
B) filtering.
C) perception.
D) ambiguity.
E) information overload.
To avoid conveying undesirable emotions in the work setting, sometimes people deliberately use:
A) information overload.
B) ambiguous language.
C) perceptions.
D) filtering.
E) email.
A barrier that inhibits the effective exchange of information is:
A) perceptions.
B) filtering.
C) language.
D) information overload.
E) all of the above.
A job’s information load can be reduced by:
A) learning to read faster.
B) buffering.
C) scanning documents more efficiently.
D) working longer hours.
E) time management.
When assistants screen the person’s messages and forward only those considered essential reading they are:
A) filtering.
B) sorting.
C) buffering.
D) loading.
E) instant messaging.
Japanese people place much value on:
A) written communication.
B) verbal communication.
C) silence.
D) displaying emotions.
To ensure the receiver receives and understands the message, the sender must do all the following, EXCEPT:
A) learn to empathize with the receiver.
B) repeat the message.
C) choose an appropriate time for the conversation.
D) be descriptive rather than evaluative.
E) rely on metaphors to describe complex ideas.
Sensing, evaluating, and responding represent:
A) the three main components of active listening.
B) the main sources of filtering in organizational hierarchies.
C) the three ways that people engage in emotional contagion.
D) the main ways that men and women differ in their communication styles.
E) the three stages of flaming.
Collaborative variations of blogs in which anyone in a group can write, edit, or remove material from the Web site are:
A) e-zines.
B) podcasts.
C) wikis.
D) instant messages.
E) email.
Which of the following is a characteristic of the grapevine?
A) A few people actively transmitting rumours to many others
B) Transmitting information very rapidly
C) Working through informal social networks
D) Distorting information by deleting fine details and exaggerating key points of the story
E) All of the above are grapevine characteristics.
The oldest communication channel is:
A) the grapevine.
B) email
C) faxes.
D) written memos
E) none of the above.
The grapevine typically transmits information through:
A) newsletters.
B) informal social networks.
C) video conferencing.
D) emotional contagion.
E) buffering.

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