Nutrition, Feeding, And Eating


· Select ONE topic from the list below.

· Search for your own ONE Primary Research study that addresses this topic

· Review article to summarize the required information

· Write the paper with the required headings in APA format

· Must include in-text citations

TOPIC 1: Evaluating Nutritional Status: What methods can be used to assess nutritional status?

TOPIC 2: Identifying those at risk for malnutrition: What methods can be used to identify those at risk for malnutrition?

TOPIC 3: Malnutrition associated with specific health conditions: What specific health conditions increase the risk of malnutrition?

TOPIC 4: Outcomes associated with nutritional status: What associations exist between nutritional status and health outcomes?

TOPIC 5: Interventions to improve nutritional status: What type of interventions improve adherence to recommendations on nutritional intake?

Introduction and Key Points (10 points)

· Select one topic from the five main topics and then describe your specific research question

· Defines the topic and question (overview)

· States why this is a problem (significance)

Article Search (25 points)

· Describe current (less than 5 years) and credible resource

· What database was used, include search teams and methods

· Number of articles located

· Were any sources outside of the ATI module used?

Article Findings (25 points)

· How does this article address the topic

· What type of research was conducted (quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method)

· Describe all findings of the article

· Why was this article chosen specifically?

Evidence for Practice (25 points)

· Briefly summarize the findings/evidence

· How will this evidence improve practice?

· How will this evidence decrease a gap to practice?

· Any concerns or weaknesses located in the evidence?

Sharing of Evidence (25 points)

· Who would you share this evidence with?

· How would you share this information?

· What resources would you need to accomplish sharing this evidence?

· Why would it be important to share this evidence with the nursing profession?

Conclusion (20 points)

· Summarizes the theme of the paper

· Information is presented in a logical sequence

· All key points are addressed

· Shows depth of understanding of topic

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