Nursing paper

Topic:  Organization is KAISER PERMENETE


Submit a 1,050-1,400-word paper evaluating your organization’s performance management plan and its impact on the organization. You can review your organization’s methodology based upon your research and the theories you have studied. If your organization doesn’t have an organization-wide performance system in place, write why you think it is necessary and how it would benefit your organization

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Nursing Paper

People of Chinese Heritage.

People of Guatemalan Heritage.

Read chapter 10 and 31 of the class textbook.  Read content chapter 31 in Davis plus online website.  Once done answer the following questions;

1.  Discuss the health care beliefs of the Chinese and Guatemalan people and mention if there is any similarity in their beliefs.

2.  How the beliefs of this two culture differ from the beliefs in the health care in United  States.

3.  Give an example of how the healthcare beliefs of this two cultures affect the delivery of evidence based nursing care.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format, word document, Arial 12 font attach to the forum in blackboard title “week 5 discussion questions”.  A minimum of 2 evidence based references not older than 5 year are required.  You must post two replies sustained with references to any of our peers.  A minimum of 500 words are required.

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