Nursing Nutrition In Health And Disease

Discussion post

1. Discuss the micronutrient requirements for infants, children, and older adults. What health disparities will occur if there is an excess or deficiency in micronutrients for each age group? Use evidence from one scholarly source other than your textbook or ATI book to support your answer. Use APA Style to cite your source.

2. Review the following case study and answer the questions below. Use evidence from one scholarly source other than your textbook or ATI book to support your answer. Use APA Style to cite your source.


Sarah is 28 years old and 7 months pregnant with her third child. Her other children are 2-1⁄2 and 1-1⁄2 years old. She had uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries. Sarah is 5′ 6″ tall; she weighed 142 pounds at the beginning of this pregnancy, which made her prepregnancy BMI 23. She has gained 24 pounds so far. Prior to her first pregnancy, her BMI was 20 (124 pounds). She is unhappy about her weight gain, but the stress of having two young children and being a stay-at-home mom made losing weight impossible.

She went online for her MyPlate plan, which recommends she consume 2,400 calories per day. She doesn’t think she eats that much because she seems to have constant heartburn. She takes a prenatal supplement, so she feels confident that even if her intake is not perfect, she is getting all the nutrients she needs through her supplement.

· Based on Sarah’s typical daily intake, pick one meal and analyze the macronutrient and micronutrients that may contribute to excess weight gain.

· Develop a nutritional plan to help Sarah reduce heartburn.

· Discuss the factors that may contribute to a high-risk pregnancy.

Below typical day’s intake for Sarah.

You must use an outside scholarly resource in addition to your text or ATI book when formulating the posts. All information from any source must be cited in APA format!! If you take information from a source without giving credit that is considered plagiarism. I am attaching an APA resource to help you format your resources.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns regarding about the discussion.

Example of an initial post

Hello Class,

Sarah’s attitude is not appropriate towards supplements. Supplements to help people meet their nutritional requirements, but it is still important to eat foods that will offer nutrients for her and the baby. They should not be taken instead of eating the foods that are recommended. Since she is pregnant, her caloric needs have increased. If she were to meet those caloric requirements, it will increase the absorption and efficiency of the supplements that she takes (Dudek, 2018). Supplements do not have any calories and will not contribute to the 2400 calories that she needs (Dudek, 2018). It is good that she is taking supplements, but she needs to try and consume healthy foods that will not agitate her heartburn

I would inform Sarah that her weight gain is within the normal range. With her BMI, her total pregnancy weight gain should be between 25-35 pounds (Dudek, 2018). I would tell Sarah that she should start eating healthy now, and incorporate foods that offer a high nutritional value to continue that habit after pregnancy. In order for her to lose weight, she should implement weight loss strategies in the early postpartum period in order for it to be the most effective (Dudek, 2018). She should start slowly and include exercise into her weight loss plan (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Breast feeding burns many calories and can aid with the reduction of weight after giving birth because it uses the fat that was stored during pregnancy to produce the milk to feed the baby (Mayo Clinic, 2018). If she is breastfeeding, she should remember that it is important to drink a lot of water especially if she is exercising to reduce the risk of dehydration. If she is having trouble finding ways to exercise because she has two younger children as well, she could join a group for mom’s for exercising (Mayo Clinic, 2018). There are several ways that she can regain her healthy weight, and it all starts with her willingness to improve and a healthy and balanced diet.


Dudek, S. (2018). Nutrition essentials for nursing (Eighth ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Mayo Clinic. (2018, July 13). How to get back in your pre-pregnancy jeans. Retrieved from

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