Nursing homework help

Make reply with 200 words in two answers to your peers with one reference


1-Student’s name: Yaimi Quintana Marrero

Course: MSN 5270 Advanced Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing

The health of children or people who are unable to talk for themselves is frequently evaluated in the healthcare sector using proxy subjective health status or evaluation methods. This approach involves gathering information about the individual’s health status through someone else, known as a proxy, who may be a parent, caregiver, or health professional. The use of representative measures is based on the assumption that the proxy has the knowledge, insight, and ability to report the individual’s health status accurately. However, using proxy measures can also have significant ramifications that must be carefully considered. In this discussion, we will examine the underlying assumptions of using proxy subjective health status measures and the potential consequences of their use.

One of the underlying assumptions of this approach is that the caregiver is knowledgeable about the individual’s health and can accurately assess their condition. This assumption may only sometimes be accurate, as the caregiver may not understand the individual’s health history well or may be biased in their assessment (Wiltink & Ebster, 2019). For example, a caregiver may underestimate the extent of a child’s illness because they do not want to worry about it or may overestimate it to secure more resources.

Another assumption is that the caregiver is available and willing to provide the assessment. In some cases, the caregiver may not be present or unwilling to participate in the assessment, leading to missing data or unreliable information (Mangione-Smith, 2022). Additionally, the caregiver may need more time to provide an assessment, which can result in incomplete or inaccurate information.

The potential ramifications of using proxy subjective health status evaluations are numerous. One of the most significant is that the assessment may need to accurately reflect the individual’s health status (Law & Russell, 2019). This can result in correct diagnoses, mismanagement of symptoms, and appropriate treatment. For instance, if a child’s caregiver overestimates their illness, they may receive unnecessary medical treatments, which can cause harm or delay necessary care.

Another potential ramification is the impact on the individual’s quality of life. If the assessment is inaccurate, the individual may not receive the support they need to manage their health, which can lead to a decline in their overall well-being. This can also result in decreased engagement in activities and decreased participation in the community (Kim et al., 2019). Moreover, proxy subjective health status evaluations can significantly affect public health and healthcare systems. For example, if many individuals are misdiagnosed or treated inappropriately, it can increase healthcare costs and decrease health outcomes.

In conclusion, using proxy subjective health status evaluations for children or those unable to speak for themselves raises a number of underlying assumptions and potential ramifications. It is essential to consider these assumptions and ramifications carefully when using this assessment method and to take steps to minimize potential errors or inaccuracies. For example, it may be helpful to train caregivers to assess the individual’s health accurately or to use other methods, such as medical records or objective health measurements, to supplement the assessment.


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