Nursing homework help

Module 10 – Written Assignment Hypothermia and Hyperthermia Worksheet







Complete all lesson content and assigned readings. Make sure you are focusing on:

· Differences between hypothermia and hyperthermia

· Patient impacts from hypothermia and hyperthermia

· Patient education for clients and families to avoid extreme temperature variations


· Answer the questions listed below using complete sentences.

· Use correct grammar, spelling and APA format.

· Support your answers using credible sources such as textbooks, course materials, and evidence-based articles ( 1 Point)


How do I know if a source is credible?

How do I find evidence-based practice articles? Or nursing best practices?


1. What are the differences between and patient impacts of hypothermia and hyperthermia? ( 2 Points)


2. What education should be provided to patients and families to avoid the extreme temperature variations? ( 2 Points)


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