Nursing homework help


My future nursing vision is to have “an environment that fosters lifelong learning, nursing involvement in decision-making, optimal utilization of professional skills and knowledge, and health informatics to improve patient outcomes via the supportive legal and ethical framework.”

Vision’s fit with IOM Recommendations

IOM made four critical recommendations regarding the future of nursing. The first recommendation is to allow nurses to operate at their optimal potential (Diaz, 2020). My vision statement emphasizes the need for a supportive legal and ethical framework to support optimal professional skills and knowledge utilization. It is essential to note that legal and ethical frameworks encourage accountability in nursing. However, the policies should not limit the scope of nursing. As policymakers enforce safety and quality measures, it is necessary to promote autonomy in nursing practice.

Second, my vision emphasizes the need for lifelong learning. Nursing is a complex profession characterized by rapid changes. Lifelong learning encourages the development of problem-solving and critical-thinking skills essential in addressing emotional patient concerns. It allows nurses to be up-to-date with new procedures, techniques, and policies. IOM’s second recommendation is to support nurses to receive higher training and education for career development. The only way to achieve this goal is by supporting learning efforts among nurses. Therefore, my mission endorses this recommendation.

Another way my vision supports IOM recommendation is by envisioning an environment that encourages nurses’ involvement in decision-making processes. Taking part in decision-making is part of ensuring nurses participate in leadership functions and overcome the health system’s inferiority notion. IOM emphasized the involvement of nurses in decision-making and assuming leadership (Diaz, 2020). However, achieving this goal requires developing a culture that fosters all health personnel’s inclusivity in providing expert opinions.

Finally, the last component of my vision statement underscores the use of health informatics in nursing. According to Darvish et al. (2014), health informatics facilitates the coordination of nursing care. It increases the ability to track workflow, communication, and staffing to identify improvement areas. Nursing informatics relies on efficient data collection, analysis, and interpretation to empower informed decision-making and policy formulation. IOM recommends the need to improve data collection and information infrastructure.

Vision Promotion Plan

A strategic vision’s success depends heavily on promotional activities to ensure everyone understands the expected long-term goals. One of the ways I can promote the above idea is through advocacy. Initiating a sustainable change in healthcare requires the involvement of all key stakeholders. However, people can only support what they understand. Therefore, through lobbying efforts, various stakeholders can gain insight into the recommendations and their role in attaining them. This way, people will be motivated to take part in transforming the sector. Besides, involving government officials is necessary because they allocate resources for various healthcare functions.

Another way to promote the vision is by drafting precise and achievable goals to provide a clear guideline for accomplishing the strategic plan. Having a conversation with different contributors is the best way to transform a vision or idea into results. These goals should outline the responsibilities of various stakeholders. Given the universality of nursing practice, it is imperative to use multiple media platforms to communicate the vision’s critical message. The goal is to create a shared vision and gain public support by stressing the nursing profession’s importance in achieving health equity and justice.


Darvish, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Keyhanian, S., & Navidhamidi, M. (2014). The Role of Nursing Informatics on Promoting Quality of Health Care and the Need for Appropriate Education. Global Journal of Health Science6(6). (Links to an external site.)

Diaz, Y. (2020). Analysis of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report: The Future of Nursing.

Edited by Diaz, Yerandy on Oct 7 at 12:52amVision of Nursing.docx


Nursing is an ever-growing field that is evolving with the need for registered nurses expected to increase in the future. According to Joseph and Fowler (2016), the complex and changing environment needs to be met with a new and changed mindset among the nurse leaders. However, it is crucial that nurses be involved in the best clinical practice that ensures quality improvement in healthcare globally by raising their profile and status. The current changing needs mean that nurse leaders have a significant role to play in the future. The emergence of advanced technology and new innovative types of services indicates that nurses can play a leading role from community to home-based care, holistic and patient-centred care, with the increased focus on prevention and control and making better use of the advanced technology. Therefore, providing good quality and safe patient treatment by promoting nursing leadership should be at the fore-front of the nursing discipline.

The future of nursing explores how nurses’ leadership responsibilities, roles, training, and education should change and cope significantly with the increased demand for patient wellness (Institute of Medicine, 2015). This demand is created by healthcare reform to meet increasingly complex patient needs in the healthcare system. Its reform has made it in the United States accessible and affordable to everyone as seen by the increase in the number of patients in hospitals. However, with this growth in necessity, nursing is facing the challenge of delivering patient quality treatment. My vision is to quickly adapt to the new world of advanced technology in the nursing leadership that I can use to offer reliable and quality attention to the patients.

As a nurse, I am the primary care provider, and therefore, I have the vision and power to provide a consistently safe environment for the patients. Achieving this vision will require the establishment of evidence-based clinical practice which will enhance the reliability of nursing care. Moreover, fulfilling the vision of leadership for nurses will ensure that they will not feel undervalued in the hospital, which will then facilitate quality care being delivered to patients. According to Hart (2015), nurses often feel like their voices are not heard in the inter-professional team and that their complex roles in caring for patients are not appreciated. This means that nurses should have power in leadership which will act as an incentive when delivering quality healthcare.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended that nurses should have leadership roles in healthcare as per their recently released report. My vision for the future of nursing is for nurses to have power in leadership roles which will enable them to provide safe and quality patient-centred care. Thus, this vision fits with the recommendations in the IOM report, where nurses should have leadership roles in the healthcare sector. This report states that nurses should be supported in their leadership roles regardless of where they work so that they can be the true leaders that they are.

There are two action steps that I plan to take to promote this vision. The first step is to ensure nurses network with big players. This means that nurses will push to be in the higher leadership boards such as the public health and government boards, which will ensure that their voices and intricate work are recognized. The next step is to stand out nurse leaders in leading for change, seamless progression, and advancing health.


Hart, C. (2015). The elephant in the room: Nursing and nursing power on an interprofessional team. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 46 (8) 349-355.

Institute of Medicine (2015). IOM releases progress report on the Future of Nursing 2020 goals. (Links to an external site.)

Joseph, M. L., & Fowler, D. (2016). Innovating traditional nursing administration challenges. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 46(3), 120-121.

Assignment 7 Discussion. Transition to Professional Nursing.docx

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