Nursing homework help

Respond to EACH DISCUSSION POST BELOW.  Explain how their chosen national healthcare issue/stressor may also impact your work setting and what (if anything) is being done to address the national healthcare issue/stressor.



The healthcare issue that I would like to address is the shortage of mental health facilities.  Mental health issues have been on the rise for a while now especially with the emergence of COVID-19.  One thing that is shocking to realize is that the United States ranks almost dead last in psych beds per 100,000 people (in developed countries). (Administrator, 2018).  The effects of these shortages span across all aspects of society.  The mental health problem we have in the United States is a problem for everyone involved.  A few examples of the issues that arise from shortages of psychiatric beds and hospitals are increased homelessness, increased illegal drug usage and a huge stress on psych hospitals because of too high of a demand with the patient population (Shortage of psychiatric hospital beds for mentally Ill, 2019).  This issue is not going to go away anytime soon.  I work in a mental health hospital and the influx of new patients and the lack of facilities to take care of these patients is becoming an issue that must be resolved soon.  In the United States alone about 1 in 5 people suffer from some sort of mental illness (Weiner, 2018).  That means there are about 66,000,000 people who are battling a mental illness and there are simply not enough resources for them to get the help they need.



Administrator. (2018). Psychiatric bed shortages. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from


Shortage of psychiatric hospital beds for mentally Ill (Summary TAC Report). (2019, January 23). Retrieved March 03, 2021, from


Weiner, S. (2018, February 12). Addressing the escalating psychiatrist shortage.



The national healthcare issue selected is the current Coronavirus pandemic.  In the year 2020, the world health organization declared the Corona virus, known as the covid-19 a global health emergency. Currently, there have been millions of cases with 513,122 deaths (CDC, 2020).  Since the beginning of the pandemic, my current hospital organization have been doing their best to make sure both the patients and staff are safe. They went to the extent of formulating a plan which included creation of private rooms by decreasing census on the unit, stopping visitation rights unless patient was dying or young, and even created COVID testing rooms on floors such as a psychiatry to test patients suspected of having COVID instead of waiting on medical floors which sometimes took hours. Besides having COVID safety officers, they trained additional nurses to transport and care for patients if necessary.

Although all of these were great initiatives, the company changed their benefits plan such as increasing the cost of health insurance, decreasing overtime pay, not matching 401K, and refused to give a raise until the pandemic was over. “Employee benefits-including health care, paid leave and retirement benefits-are feeling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent International Foundation report” (Held, 2021). This action led to many staff leaving the job which led to shortage and burnout of nursing staff. Avoidance behavior have become popular among healthcare workers as well which is when staff call out work multiple times or minimize direct contact time with patients due to fear of being infected (Lange, 2021). As of now, the organization have agreed to increase pay by 2%, match 401K within the upcoming month only if hired in 2020 and have even offered COVID PTO so staff can feel comfortable calling off if sick and not feel scared to lose their job. Although, positive changes have already taken place more work is needed. A way of ensuring staff is pleased is by paying attention to the Gallup survey which is completed every two years. Jacobs et al (2018) found that the use of the Gallup survey was helpful in making improvements for employees.


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