Nursing discussion

The Family Resilience Framework is a fascinating concept.   I have often wondered about an individual’s resilience, where does it come from, what other qualities are involved in resilience?  This is helpful in promoting strategies for families going through life’s challenges (Edelman, Mandle, & Kudzma, 2014, p. 181).

What makes some families come through adversity stronger and others come through completely shattered?  Studies showed that most abused children do not grow up to be abusive.  At first researchers believed the resilience was innate, later they moved toward the recognition of nature vs nurture, yet negating the influence of family and focusing on the individual.  As research continued on this path, a wide range of adversity was studied such as growing up in impoverished circumstances, chronic medical conditions, catastrophic life experiences, trauma, and loss.  Studies emerged of resilient individuals showing the importance of relationships of kin, intimate partners, and mentors who supported their efforts, believed in them, and encouraged them to make the most out of their lives (Walsh, 2003, p. 2).  Walsh’s findings showed that despite childhood challenges, everyone has potential to develop resilience.

It mentioned, with family structure being so complex, it is required innovative strategies for success (Edelman et al., 2014, p. 181).  I know this first hand, as an empty nester, turned mother with now young children, we are living in a situation that is not unique in today’s world.  Grandparents raising grandchildren, I would appreciate sitting with a counselor or nurse and using the Family Resilience Framework to restructure our thinking and provide valuable insight.  “What matters most in dealing with adversity are effective family processes, involving the quality of caring committed relationships” (Walsh, 2003, p. 5).



Edelman, C., Mandle, C., & Kudzma, E. (2014). Health promotion throughout the life span (8th  ed.).  Retrieved from[s2]/6

Walsh, F. (2003). Family resilience:  a framework for clinical practice. Family Process42. Retrieved from


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Nursing Discussion



Review the following scenarios. After reviewing the scenarios record your critical analysis of one scenario in a total of 4-6 pages double-spaced (excluding title and reference pages) . References must be in APA format (6th ed). Your analysis should include references to current literature on nursing management and leadership. For example, for the situation you select choose an appropriate tool that can assist you in analyzing and solving the problem. You may select a problem-solving tool, a decision-making tool, a conflict resolution tool etc. Your textbook is a good source but you may also search for other related references.

1. Workload Worries

You are a newly hired nursing unit manager whose responsibilities include the day-to-day operation of a thirty-two bed pediatric care unit in a large tertiary care facility. Among other things, you are responsible for staffing, ensuring quality patient care and evaluating staff performance. The staff of the unit includes 15 RNs and 22 LPNS � a mix of full-time, part-time and casual staff. Your first day on the unit you become aware that some staff are unhappy with the workload.

You overhear Jenny Marlone LPN complaining in the hall to Kelly Morris RN that whenever she is assigned to Team 2 she has to work twice as hard as when she is on Team 1.Further, Kelly remarks, �I am always on Team 2!� It is well known that your predecessor resigned out of frustration because he lost the support of the staff (as indicated by frequent sick calls, tardiness and lack of productivity) primarily due to what they perceived as inadequate pay for the workload.

Discuss the steps that you would take to resolve this issue.

2. Parking Protest

You are the nursing manager of a community health unit in the inner city. At the monthly staff meeting a very vocal RN, claiming to represent all employees, complains about the lack of appropriate parking for staff. Mandy, the spokesperson states, �We need our cars close by so that we can get to our community visits. It is ridiculous to have us park in a lot six blocks away.� Further Mandy threatens, �If this situation isn�t resolved to our satisfaction immediately we are going to get the union to help us.�

Discuss the steps that you would take to resolve this issue.

3. Staffing Setback

You are a manager in a small rural hospital in Northern Alberta. The August long weekend is approaching and Friday morning two RNs scheduled to work evenings over the weekend call in sick. You suspect they will both be off for at least the next three shifts. You contact all the casual staff but no one is available to work. Without replacement you will be down to one RN on evenings. Sitting at your desk you wonder out loud, “Now what am I going to do?”

Discuss the steps that you would take to resolve this issue.

Submit assignment via the Assignment dropbox � Due at the end of Unit 10

Assignment 3 Marking Guide – Scenario Analysis -Filling your Toolbox (20%)

Name �


Score ___/20 = ___%

CONTENT � Total Maximum 15%

  • Clear objectives and introduction are provided.
  • There is a critical analysis of the scenario.
  • An appropriate tool is incorporated (e.g. problem-solving tool, a decision-making tool, a conflict resolution tool etc.).
  • References to current literature are used to support analysis.
  • Appropriate recommendations to resolve situation are made.
  • An effective conclusion is included.


PRESENTATION � Total Maximum 5%

  • Paper is informative and succinct (within page limit).
  • The paper is written in a well-organized way.
  • It is written in scholarly format with a title page, sentences, paragraphs, headings etc.
  • APA format (6th ed) is used.
  • Presentation is free of errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

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Nursing Discussion


Compare and contrast a DNP and Ph.D in Nursing degree. Explain the focus of each discipline and how each of this terminal degree can shape the Future of Nursing.

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Nursing Discussion


Compare and contrast a DNP and Ph.D in Nursing degree. Explain the focus of each discipline and how each of this terminal degree can shape the Future of Nursing.

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