Nursing discussion

Guidance and coaching is a core competency of advanced practice nursing. How do you think guidance and coaching in the advanced practice role is different from the RN role of teaching/coaching? Are there certain elements of this competency that are more important than others? How does the teaching and coaching role fit with a wellness versus sickness model of care?

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Nursing Discussion


Discuss the importance of advocacy as it pertains to patient care. What is the nurse’s role in patient advocacy? Describe a situation in which you were involved with patient advocacy. Explain what the advocacy accomplished for the patient, and what the repercussions would have been if the patient would not have had an advocate.

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Nursing Discussion


Question: When do you think it is most appropriate to employ (a) a relational leadership style, and (b) a task-oriented leadership style? Why? Give an example.

Please check  this Ebook: Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing.
*Read chapter 1, and answer the question above based on your understanding in chapter 1.

Use APA style on your writing. Only use the ebook for referencing.

*200-400 words please.


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Nursing Discussion


Question: When do you think it is most appropriate to employ (a) a relational leadership style, and (b) a task-oriented leadership style? Why? Give an example.

Please check  this Ebook: Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing.
*Read chapter 1, and answer the question above based on your understanding in chapter 1.

Use APA style on your writing. Only use the ebook for referencing.

*200-400 words please.


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