Nursing Discussion


XYZ Health Care is a provider of health services to senior citizens. It performs its mission with a virtual force of Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners. The nurses visit their elderly patients in their homes and monitor their health. At the end of the day, the nurses are required to connect back to corporate networks and upload all of the patient records for the day. Keep in mind that this organization is subjected to HIPAA rules and its required to make the data available to its patients and authorized

patient representatives within 48 hours.

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Nursing Discussion


XYZ Health Care is a provider of health services to senior citizens. It performs its mission with a virtual force of Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners. The nurses visit their elderly patients in their homes and monitor their health. At the end of the day, the nurses are required to connect back to corporate networks and upload all of the patient records for the day. Keep in mind that this organization is subjected to HIPAA rules and its required to make the data available to its patients and authorized

patient representatives within 48 hours.

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