Nursing And The Aging Family Week 3 Student Reply Maydenis Molinet

To best understand the concepts of ethics, define the following terms:

Utilitarianism, Egoism, Relativism, and Absolutism and  write a hypothetical situation where each of the defined terms above is utilized.

Utilitarianism is a theory that focuses on the overall happiness of many. It encourages nurses to adopt actions that promote positive outcomes in healthcare (Baragona, 2016). Therefore nurses work towards minimizing the actions that prejudice the interest of the patients. A nurse working at an emergency setup will give care to a patient who has high chances of survival based on the severity of the injury.

Ethical egoism postulates that people act in furtherance of their self-interest about morality. Therefore, a nurse will push to get a study leave even if the department faces a shortage because they focus on achieving a certain goal based on their self-interest (Meyers, 2018). Relativist ideology argues that healthcare providers should offer passionate care to those professing morals and beliefs contrary to their own (Baragona, 2016). For instance, a nurse should take care of a female who has secured illegal abortion and is bleeding profusely despite believing that abortion is morally wrong.

Absolutism theorists postulate that God-given laws are the absolute truth. Nurses prescribing to this line of thought use the immutable truth to decide (Baragona, 2016). In the discussions regarding euthanasia, they do not agree to undertake procedures leading to a patient’s death because the holy scriptures prohibit them.

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