Mental health

1) Type the definition of each of the KEY TERM from the 1st page of each of the 39 chapters from the Psychiatric—Mental Health Nursing: Evidence-Based Concepts, Skills, and Practices by Wanda K. Mohr.

2) Cite the page in the textbook each key term is found.

3) Submit all the Key Terms in one document.









Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 32, Anger and Aggression


Discussion Topics Learning Objective
1. Anger is an emotion that everyone experiences at some time in their life.

a. What situations usually make you angry? How do you handle your anger? Are you satisfied with your ability to control your anger? If not, what could you improve?

b. Have you ever felt angry with a client? Analyze this situation. What was the specific client behavior? What did you say to the client? How does this situation remind you of other situations in which you became angry? What other emotions did you feel?

c. What are some factors that could increase the risk of anger, aggression, and violence in the psychiatric setting?  What role does the inpatient healthcare environment play when conflict aggression and violence occur?

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2.  Kyle is a 42-year old man that has been admitted to a psychiatric-mental health facility with bipolar disorder. Kyle became frustrated and aggravated when he and another client were playing a game and he was losing. He picked up a book and threw it at another client.

a. Compare and contrast the different cognitive behavioral interventions for an aggressive client.

b. Discuss the controversies associated with the use of restraint and seclusion.

c. Discuss the legal issues associated with restraint and seclusion.

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3. You are a nurse working in a psychiatric-mental health facility. One of the clients you are caring for is becoming increasingly angry and aggressive.

a. What signs of escalating aggressiveness would you look for?

b. What actions would you take to ensure your safety and the safety of other clients?




Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 33, Violence and Abuse


Discussion Topics Learning Objective
1. While conducting an admission interview with Rebecca, she tells you that her husband hits her when she comes home late from work.

a. Identify the feelings and attitudes you have regarding someone who is abusive and also someone who is a victim of abuse. Would your feelings differ if the victim was a child? An elderly person?

b. Would your personal experiences and emotions affect your responses to clients who are either victims or abusers? If so, how? If not, why?

c. What are your beliefs and attitudes about women who are victims of sexual assault? Do you think that women can prevent this? If so, how?

2.  Peter is a 14-year-old boy who is becoming increasingly violent. He has been suspended from school for punching another boy in the face. His mother suspects that he has joined a gang.

a. List and explain the different risk factors for youth violence.

b. What protective factors can prevent youth violence?

3. Veronica is a 32-year-old single mother of two children, ages 5 and 7. Veronica works two jobs to support her and her children. She is becoming increasingly stressed and strained. Lately she has been yelling at her children regularly and has begun hitting her 7-year-old son.

a. What are the different types of child maltreatment?

b. What effects can child maltreatment have on child functioning?

4.  Michelle presented to the Emergency room as a victim of sexual abuse.  You are the nurse assigned to care for her.

a. What is sexual assault?

b. Describe the phases of rape trauma syndrome to Michelle.

c. What would your primary nursing diagnosis be?  What nursing interventions would be appropriate for this client?

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Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 34, Suicide and Suicidal Behavior


Discussion Topics Learning Objective
1. While working in a hospital, you are assigned to a client who is recovering from an attempted suicide?

a. When you hear that someone has attempted suicide, what type of emotion does that evoke in you?

b. Do you think you would treat a severely depressed person and a severely depressed person who attempted suicide differently? Why or why not?

2. Francis is a 43-year-old woman who recently lost her husband of 20 years. Because she was unable to focus on her work, she was fired from her job. Francis could see no way out of her current situation and attempted suicide.

a. List and describe risk factors for suicide.

b. List and describe the protective factors for suicide.

3. You are a nurse working is a psychiatric-mental health facility and have been asked to complete a suicide assessment on a client.

a. What are the different areas you would need to assess? List at least two questions you would ask to assess each area.

b. What affects can suicide have on those left behind?

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Learner Summary Transcript


Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 35, Crisis Intervention


Discussion Topics Learning Objective
1. There have been several major adventitious crises in the past several years that have affected large numbers of people.

a. Have you ever experienced a personal crisis? If so, think about the precipitating factors and the measures you took to help resolve it. Identify ways in which this experience affected you.

b. How did you feel after the attacks of September 11, 2001? Examine how this incident affected you.

c. How did you feel when you saw or experienced the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina? Examine how this incident affected you.

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2. Many individuals experience a maturational crisis at some point in their life.

a. Provide an example of a maturational crisis. Identify a behavior that may be manifested in each crisis phase.

b. Develop a list of resources available to an individual experiencing the maturational crisis that you specified.

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3. After helping a client through a crisis, you become interested in the role of crisis intervener.

a. What are the most important skills for a crisis intervener and how these skills are implemented in a crisis?

b. Compare and contrast the variations in crisis intervention, including the team approach, crisis groups, and families in crisis.

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Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 36, Pediatric Clients


Discussion Topics Learning Objective
1. Adolescence is a time in life when many changes occur both emotionally and physically.

a. Think about your own adolescent development. What were major problems for you at this time? How did you cope? What resources did you use?

b. What was your relationship with your parents like during adolescence? How did it change as you progressed through your teens?

c. What was your relationship with your peers during adolescence? What were your interests in terms of school, recreational, and social activities? How did you achieve balance at this time?

d. Discuss the role of the psychiatric nurse in working with adolescents.

2, 3, 6
2. You are caring for a 6-year-old client who is experiencing developmental delays.

a. Compare and contrast the different traditional developmental theories.

b. Provide an example of a manifestation of each stage of Kohlberg’s moral development theory.

3. Joan is an 11-year old female that is beginning to shown signs of a mental illness.

a. List and describe two of the risk factors associated with mental illness in children.

b. List and describe two of the psychosocial modalities of treatment used for children.

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4.  You have just learned about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in class.  A peer missed class and you are assisting her in studying for an exam.

a. What nursing diagnoses are appropriate for a child experiencing ADHD?

b. List two interventions for each diagnosis.




Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 37, Older Adult Clients


Discussion Topics Learning Objective
1. As a nursing student, you care for many individuals who fall into the older adult category. In the United States, an individual age 65 and older is considered an older adult.

a. Think about the older adult clients you have cared for in your nursing practice. What adaptations did you make in your care based on aging changes?

b. How do you feel about aging and getting older?

c. What attitudes, personality traits, and health practices do you believe can pose a problem for people as they age?

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2. You are caring for an 84-year-old woman who is taking 15 different medications.

a. How does aging affect pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics?

b. What health promotion teaching would you want to perform for an older adult taking many medications?

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3. While caring for a 74-year-old man, you notice that he is experiencing several normal age-related physical changes.

a. What normal changes to the nervous and sensory system; cardiovascular system; respiratory system; renal and urinary system; musculoskeletal system; and gastrointestinal system would you expect?

b. How would you alter your communication techniques when interacting with an older adult?




Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 38, Homeless Clients


Discussion Topics Learning Objective
1. After caring for a mentally ill client who is homeless, you begin to think about the number of people in the U.S. who are homeless. Annually, approximately 3.5 million people in the U.S. are homeless.

a. What is the meaning of home to you? What do you value most about your home?

b. Imagine if you did not have a home. What would you do? Where would you turn for help?

c. What is your perception of people who are homeless? What do you think are causes of homelessness?

2. While doing a clinical rotation at a psychiatric mental health facility, you are assigned to a Tray, a 42-year-old man. He is about to the discharged from the facility. When you ask him where he will go when he leaves, he tells you that he is homeless and will be living on the street.

a. What are the factors that contribute to homelessness in those who are mentally ill?

b. Identify community programs or agencies that are available for homeless clients in your area.

3. You are discussing the issues facing mentally ill homeless clients with another student.

a. Provide an argument for and against the following statement: Current mental health laws are inadequate and do not provide the most therapeutic environment for people with mental illness.

b. List and describe the barriers that prevent homeless individuals from receiving care.

c. What are some specific healthcare concerns of homeless mentally ill individuals?

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Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 39, Clients With Medical Illnesses


Discussion Topics Learning Objective
1. While working in a hospital, you have a patient admitted to the floor that is displaying signs of psychological disturbance.

a. Would you feel differently about a client who has a psychological disturbance secondary to a medical condition compared to a client that does not have a medical condition? Would you care for these two clients any differently?

b. Think of a time when you or a family member has been diagnosed with a medical condition. What type of psychological affects did this diagnosis have on you or your family member?

2. Martin was hospitalized after experiencing severe chest pain that radiated to his left arm. He was diagnosed as having had a myocardial infarction.

a. What reactions may occur in clients who have cardiovascular illness?

b. What factors may contribute to psychological problems in cardiac clients?

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3. Rachel is a 25-year-old woman has been married for the past two years. She and her husband have decided to have children, but Rachel began having menstrual problems. After seeing a doctor, Rachel was diagnosed with uterine cancer.

a. What reactions may occur in clients diagnosed with cancer?

b. After treatment, Rachel learns that she cannot have children. What kind of psychological impact can infertility have?


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