
How quantitative and qualitative research projects can be applied to evidence-based nursing practice.

Grove, Burns, and Gray (2013) defines evidence-based practice as a “conscientious integration of best research evidence with the clinical expertise and patient values and needs in the delivery of quality, cost-effective health care”. There are several methods of research that of which include quantitative, qualitative and mixed method with quantitative randomized control trials (RCT) serving as the strongest evidence for practice guidelines (Grove, Burns & Gray, 2013).  More so, describing quantitative research as “a formal, objective, systematic process implemented to obtain numerical data for the understanding of aspects of the world” (Grove, Burns & Gray, 2013). Whereas, qualitative research is a viewed as a systemic, interactive, subjective, holistic approach used to describe experiences of life and provide meaning (Grove, Burns & Gray, 2013).

What characteristics of quantitative or qualitative research make it the most appropriate for addressing evidence-based practice problems?

I have chosen to read two articles, one of which was a quantitative and one qualitative to help aide with adequately answering this question. The first article was a qualitative analysis of Veterans health administration personnel experiences with a clinical informatics system by Bonner, Simons, Parker, Yano and Kirchner (2010). This qualitative study further explored nursing interactions and evaluations in the setting of implementing an electronic health record (Bonner & et al., 2010).

The study described perceptions of positive and negative effects in regard to introducing an electronic health record; especially considering the cost of using technology and the risk of technology facilitation potentially distracting interpersonal interactions (Bonner & et al., 2010). Concluding concerns for interferences in aspects of health care communication between patients and colleagues (Bonner & et al., 2010). The study would have held more validity had it been a mixed review study with quantitative results integrated to depict the statistics on time taken away from interpersonal communications before and after the implementation of an electronic health record; as well as evaluating overall patient satisfaction pre- and post- implementation.

The second article was a quantitative study on retaining nurses and other hospital workers: an intergenerational perspective of the work climate written by Lavoie-Tremblay, Paquet, Duchesne, Santo, Gavrancic, Courcy, and Gagnon (2010). This article “described and compared work climate perceptions and intentions to quite among three generations of hospital workers and nurses” (Lavoie-Tremblay and et al., 2010). It further dissected the different generations within the workforce, further evaluating retention.

Furthermore, comparing generation X to generation Y, on their different perspectives and influences on retaining staff in the workforce environment (Lavoie-Tremblay and et al., 2010). They utilized a psychological climate questionnaire to measure work climate and questions individual’s intentions to stay employed within the company; thus, gathering statistics to support findings. The drawback of this study was its small sample size. Essentially had the study been reproduced with a larger sample size; it would have held a stronger influence on supporting evidence-based research findings.

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