MBA Main – Act 6

Problem Set #6

Stakeholder Identification Exercise

Instructions: Using the Project you selected for the Week 2 Business Case/Elevator Pitch Exercise complete the the Stakeholder Identification Exercise in the attached document. Fill in each of the quadrants for internal and external stakeholders impacted by the project progress and the project results. List as many stakeholders as you can identify but no more than ten (10) per quadrant. Also, copy and paste the Business Case/Elevator Pitch from Week 2 on the second page of this document.

Be specific with your stakeholder identifications. For example, if the project were the repurposing of a fast food restaurant to operate under emergency circumstances (i.e. 2020 Coronavirus pandemic) then you should not just list “Customers” as stakeholders. You would need to identify these more specifically as “Dine-In Customers”, “Drive Through Customers”, Walk-In Customers” and “Delivery Customers”.


Muthukumar R. (2005). Case studies on the global automobile industry. Fiat and GM: A troubled merger.

Timothy J. Kloppenburg, Vittal Anatantmula, and Kathryn N. Wells. (2016). Contemporary project management. Fourth Edition.

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