Mathematics homework help

1. This table lists the numbers of officers and enlisted personnel for women in military. At = 0.05, is there sufficient evidence to conclude that a relationship exists between rank and branch of the Armed Forces?


Officers           Enlisted           Total

Army   10791  62,491 73282

Navy   7816    42,750 50566

Marine Corps  932      9525    10457

Air Force        11819  54,344 66163

Total   31358  169110            200468

2. Listed is information regarding organ transplantation for three different years. Based on these data, is there sufficient evidence at = 0.01 to conclude that a relationship exists between year and type of transplant?


Year    Heart   Kidney/Pancreas         Lung    Total

2003    2056    870      1085    4011

2004    2016    880      1173    4069

2005    2127    903      1408    4438

Total   6199    2653    3666    12518

3. The amount of sodium in one serving for a random sample of three different kinds of foods listed. At the 0.05 level of significance, is there sufficient evidence to conclude that a difference in mean sodium amounts exists among condiments, cereals, and deserts?


Condiments    Cereals            Desserts

270      260      100

130      220      180

230      290      250

180      290      250

80        200      300

70        320      360

200      140      300

4. Americans appear to be eating healthier. Between 1970 and 2007 the per capita consumption of broccoli increased 1000% from 0.5 to 5.5 pounds. A nutritionist followed a group of people randomly assigned to one of three groups and noted their monthly broccoli intake. At = 0.05, is there a difference in means?


Group A          Group B          Group C

2          2          3.7

1.5       1.5       2.5

0.75     4          4

1          3          5.1

1.3       2.5       3.8

3          2          2.9

5. The average local cell phone monthly bill is $50.07. A random sample of monthly bills from three different providers is listed below. At = 0.05, is there a difference in mean bill amounts among providers?


Provider X      Provider Y      Provider Z

48.2     105.02 59.27

60.59   85.73   65.25

72.5     61.95   70.27

55.62   75.69   42.19

89.47   82.11   52.34


6. Annual child care costs for infants are considerably higher than for older children. At = 0.05, can you conclude a difference in mean infant day care costs for different regions of the United States?


New England  Midwest          Southwest

10390  9449    7644

7592    6985    9691

8755    6677    5996

9464    5400    5386

7328    8372

7. Three popular fast-food restaurant franchises specializing in burgers were surveyed to find out the number of calories in their frequently ordered sandwiches. At the 0.05 level of significance, can it be concluded that a difference in mean number of calories per burger exists?


FF#1    FF#2    FF#3

970      1010    740

880      970      540

840      920      510

710      850      510

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