Math questions help

Tobias dropped a tennis ball from a height of 60 meters. The time

in seconds it takes for the ball to fall 60 feet is 0.25(radical60). Find therr sets

of approximations for the amount of time it will take. Then determine how long

it will take for the ball to hit the ground.


The U.S. Census Bureau announced that the median
sales price of new houses sold in April 2009 was $22 J,6fH).
and the mean sales price was S274.300 (www.census.gO\!
newhomesales. July 20. 20(9). Assume that the standal d
deviation of the prices is $90.000.
a. If you select samples of 11 == 2, describe the shape of the
sampling distribution ofX.
b. If you select samples of n = 100, describe the shape ()f
the sampling distribution of X.
c. lfyou select a random sample of 11 = 100, what is the probability
that the sample mean will be less than $300,000′!
d. I f you select a random sample of n = 100, what is the
probability that the sample mean will be between $275,000
and $290,000′:

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