Math assignment help

1. A ________ displays the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum of a data set. (Points : 2)

scatter plot

contingency table

box plot

stacked column chart


2. A distribution that is relatively peaked with a low degree of dispersion has a coefficient of kurtosis that is ________. (Points : 2)

equal to 0

less than 0

more than 3

equal to 3


3. The midrange for a data set containing all the values between 50 and 67 is ________. (Points : 2)






4. Outcomes such as absenteeism, turnover, safety, training effectiveness, and leadership development would be considered ________
outcomes. (Points : 2)



financial and market

leadership and governance


5. ________ is the quartile representing the 50th percentile. (Points : 2)






6. The ________ is used to compare the variability of two or more data sets with different scales. (Points : 2)

coefficient of variation



coefficient of skewness




7. According to the empirical rules, approximately 95% of the observations will fall within ________. (Points : 2)

one standard deviation of the mean

two standard deviations of the mean

three standard deviations of the mean

four standard deviations of the mean


8. A table that shows the number of observations in each of several nonoverlapping groups is called a ________.
(Points : 2)

frequency distribution

scatter plot




9. Colonel Motors (an automobile company) has prepared a marketing campaign for its best-selling car. The focus of the campaign is quality, and it is claimed that 97 % of the purchasers of this car have no complaints in the first year. You and your sister Kim have each purchased one of these cars. What is the probability that neither of you has a complaint about the car in the first year if the advertising claim is true? (Points : 2)





10. Suppose that when the temperature is between 35 and 50 degrees, it has historically rained 40% of the time. Also, historically, the month of April has had a temperature between 35 and 50 degrees on 25 days. You have scheduled a golf tournament for April 12. What is the probability that players will experience rain and a temperature between 35 and 50 degrees? (Points : 2)






11. The time required to travel downtown at 10 a.m. on Monday morning is known to be normally distributed with a mean of 40 minutes and a standard deviation of 5 minutes. What is the probability that it will take less than 35 minutes? (Points : 2)

12. A state’s highway department plans to develop a new section of interstate highway and received 14 bids for the project. The state plans to hire four of the bidding companies. How many different combinations of four companies can be selected from the 14 bidding companies? (Points : 2)

The number of combinations of 4 items drawn from a pool of 14 is 1001. This is             close to choice C, but not an exact match.

13. When does P(A|B) = P(A)? (Points : 2)
when A and B are mutually exclusive
when A and B are statistically independent
when A and B are statistically dependent
when A and B are collectively exhaustive

14. Which of the following is not true for discrete random variables? (Points : 2)
The expected value is the weighted average of the values.
They can assume only a countable number of values.
The probability of each value of the random variable must be 0.
The probability values always sum up to 1.

15. A production process is known to produce a particular item in such a way that 5% of these are defective. If two items are randomly selected as they come off the production line, what is the probability that the second item will be defective? (Points : 2)

16. A ________ is a numerical statement about the likelihood that an event will occur. (Points : 2)
mutually exclusive construct
collectively exhaustive construct



17. What could cause a sample mean to be a poor point estimate of the population mean? (Points : 2)
a small sample including several values at the high end of the population range
a small, homogeneous sample from the population
the sample standard deviation is large
the sample standard deviation is small

18. Since the central limit theorem states that a normal distribution of sample means will result from virtually any underlying distribution, all of the following are true except ________. (Points : 2)
approximately 75% of the sample means will be between ±2 standard errors of μ
approximately 99% of the sample means will be between ±3 standard errors of μ
approximately 95% of the sample means will be between ±2 standard errors of μ
approximately 68% of the sample means will be between ±1 standard errors of μ

19. Peak Previously Played Picks buys and sells used sports equipment. For the past year, the mean purchase of used sports equipment was $36 with a standard deviation of $8. Using the Microsoft Excel function NORM.DIST, find the probability that the next person who comes in to buy used equipment will pay more than $40. (Points : 2)

20. Peak Previously Played Picks buys and sells used sports equipment. For the past year, the mean purchase of used sports equipment was $36 with a standard deviation of $8. Find the probability that the mean purchase from a sample of 16 customers will be greater than $40. Use the Microsoft Excel function NORM.DIST. (Points : 2)

21. A sampling plan ________. (Points : 2)
states the design quality for production managers
describes the characteristics of a population
is used when the product or process is not well understood
describes the approach that will be used to obtain samples from a population

22. A sample of twenty boxes of breakfast cereal delivers a mean weight of 14.9 ounces with a sample standard deviation of 0.3 ounces. Since the label weight of these boxes is 15 ounces, the quality assurance department wants to determine if there is a true weight problem, so they determine the confidence interval at 95% confidence to be ________. (Points : 2)
14.77 – 15.03 ounces
14.70 – 15.10 ounces
14.87 – 14.93 ounces
14.6 – 15.2 ounces

Question 23.23. What is the value of the finite population correction factor when a sample size of 125 was taken from a finite population of 500? (Points : 2)


24. A major consumer products company wants to measure the quality of the packaging of their products on the store shelves. In a chain grocery store, all of the packages of a 15-ounce Wild Berry shampoo and all of the packages of a 4-ounce Man-O-Manly deodorant are sampled. What sampling method is being used for this sampling plan? (Points : 2)
cluster sampling
simple random sampling
continuous sampling
protracted random sampling

25. A Type I error occurs when ________. (Points : 2)
the null hypothesis is actually false, but the hypothesis test incorrectly fails to reject it
the null hypothesis is actually true, and the hypothesis test correctly fails to reject it
the null hypothesis is actually false, and the hypothesis test correctly reaches this conclusion
the null hypothesis is actually true, but the hypothesis test incorrectly rejects it



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