Marketing Quiz


Question 1:

Of the following, which is the best reason for a marketing manager writing a product’s marketing plan to accomplish “targeting” before “positioning” for that product?

  • Targeting is a pure marketing department decision; positioning involves a company’s sales, marketing and advertising staff.
  • “Targeting” means focusing on a specific marketing mix element of your product. You need to decide upon this focus before selecting high-potential customers, which is what positioning is all about.
  • “Targeting” means focusing on a specific attribute or characteristic of your product. You need to decide upon this focus before selecting high-potential customers, which is what positioning is all about.
  • You have to identify the target customer segment before you can make new product development decisions.
  • You have to identify the target customer segment before you can reinforce how that segment sees your product as meaningfully different from competitors’ products.

Question 2:

The most accurate statement about targeting is:

  • It involves evaluating customer segments by profit potential.
  • It involves evaluating customer segments by market size and growth.
  • It involves companies’ selecting specific customer segments to serve.
  • It requires the use of formal quantitative methods.
  • None of the above is an accurate statement about targeting.

Question 3:

There are three requirements to build strong brands. Which requirement is best illustrated by Harley-Davidson customers’ belief that the Harley brand stands for “rugged, individual and American,” just like themselves?

  • A point of difference among competing brands
  • Ensuring trust between the brand and the consumer
  • A high intangible perceived value
  • A common identity between brand and consumer
  • Using membership and reference groups to influence brand preference

Question 4:

In value propositions and product positioning, the best example(s) of a POD from the list below is when a consumer:

  • Loves and values your brand’s track record for reliability and believes she can’t get similar performance from competing products
  • Loves and values your brand’s high quality ingredients but views them as essentially equal to those used by competitors
  • Notes that your product is priced lower than all competing products
  • Loves and values the “high-tech” image of your brand and says that competing products somehow don’t make her feel the same way
  • Both the first and fourth choices

Question 5:

Which of the following illustrates the most specific example of “positioning”:

  • Advertising with the brand slogan “Clean as a pin, and your floor and Mother Earth win’
  • Using all your firm’s marketing mix elements throughout the year to reinforce your customers’ belief that, unlike competing products, your floor cleaner has no negative environmental impacts, an attribute valued by your customers
  • Spending $12 million to develop a proprietary wood floor cleaning ingredient, which your research indicates performs better than the competition
  • Advertising with the brand slogan “Clean floors for everyone”
  • Using all your firm’s advertising budget for a one-time 30-second television commercial on the Super Bowl to emphasize that your floor cleaner has no negative environmental impacts, an attribute valued by your customers

Question 6:

An example(s) of brand equity in action is/are:

  • Sheryl walks into a K-Mart store intending to buy motor oil. She sees 12 brands of motor oil but not the brand she wants, so she leaves the store without making a purchase.
  • Acme Inc. buys a competitor’s Brand Y product line and then licenses the Brand Y name for three years.
  • Arnaud compares the price of a product he wants to buy on when he logs in under his own user name and when he logs in as a guest. The price he sees as a “guest” is significantly higher.
  • Both the first and second choices
  • Both the first and third choices

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Marketing Quiz


Question 1:

Of the following, which is the best reason for a marketing manager writing a product’s marketing plan to accomplish “targeting” before “positioning” for that product?

  • Targeting is a pure marketing department decision; positioning involves a company’s sales, marketing and advertising staff.
  • “Targeting” means focusing on a specific marketing mix element of your product. You need to decide upon this focus before selecting high-potential customers, which is what positioning is all about.
  • “Targeting” means focusing on a specific attribute or characteristic of your product. You need to decide upon this focus before selecting high-potential customers, which is what positioning is all about.
  • You have to identify the target customer segment before you can make new product development decisions.
  • You have to identify the target customer segment before you can reinforce how that segment sees your product as meaningfully different from competitors’ products.

Question 2:

The most accurate statement about targeting is:

  • It involves evaluating customer segments by profit potential.
  • It involves evaluating customer segments by market size and growth.
  • It involves companies’ selecting specific customer segments to serve.
  • It requires the use of formal quantitative methods.
  • None of the above is an accurate statement about targeting.

Question 3:

There are three requirements to build strong brands. Which requirement is best illustrated by Harley-Davidson customers’ belief that the Harley brand stands for “rugged, individual and American,” just like themselves?

  • A point of difference among competing brands
  • Ensuring trust between the brand and the consumer
  • A high intangible perceived value
  • A common identity between brand and consumer
  • Using membership and reference groups to influence brand preference

Question 4:

In value propositions and product positioning, the best example(s) of a POD from the list below is when a consumer:

  • Loves and values your brand’s track record for reliability and believes she can’t get similar performance from competing products
  • Loves and values your brand’s high quality ingredients but views them as essentially equal to those used by competitors
  • Notes that your product is priced lower than all competing products
  • Loves and values the “high-tech” image of your brand and says that competing products somehow don’t make her feel the same way
  • Both the first and fourth choices

Question 5:

Which of the following illustrates the most specific example of “positioning”:

  • Advertising with the brand slogan “Clean as a pin, and your floor and Mother Earth win’
  • Using all your firm’s marketing mix elements throughout the year to reinforce your customers’ belief that, unlike competing products, your floor cleaner has no negative environmental impacts, an attribute valued by your customers
  • Spending $12 million to develop a proprietary wood floor cleaning ingredient, which your research indicates performs better than the competition
  • Advertising with the brand slogan “Clean floors for everyone”
  • Using all your firm’s advertising budget for a one-time 30-second television commercial on the Super Bowl to emphasize that your floor cleaner has no negative environmental impacts, an attribute valued by your customers

Question 6:

An example(s) of brand equity in action is/are:

  • Sheryl walks into a K-Mart store intending to buy motor oil. She sees 12 brands of motor oil but not the brand she wants, so she leaves the store without making a purchase.
  • Acme Inc. buys a competitor’s Brand Y product line and then licenses the Brand Y name for three years.
  • Arnaud compares the price of a product he wants to buy on when he logs in under his own user name and when he logs in as a guest. The price he sees as a “guest” is significantly higher.
  • Both the first and second choices
  • Both the first and third choices

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