Marketing Assignment Help


All assignments must be completed and turned in before or by the due date respectively, together with a report generated from the Turn-It-In. It is your responsibility in making sure the similarity index is not more than 30% with each source of reference with maximum 2% of similarity index. Marks will be allocated for the originality of your report.Assignment must be substantially your own work. If you wish to report another author’s point of view you should do so in your own words, and properly footnote the reference in accordance with the departmental style. Direct quotations should form a small part of your work, and must be placed in quotation marks and referenced. Any material taken from other references are to be acknowledged. ONLY creditable supporting facts, published knowledge and academic references can be used.

You will be referred to the Board of Inquiry should the originality index is more than 30% in total per assignment (Refer to Academic Integrity at pages this document) and if one of the reference source similarity index more than 2%, you or your team will be required to re-submit the assignment.

Rationale Product
Management is a complex activity and companies face many challenges in successfully executing the function. This assignment is designed to help develop your understanding of the activities required to bring a product to success. This assignment requires students to apply product management subject concepts in defining competition, identify competitors moves as well as assess the attractiveness of a chosen product industry


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Marketing Assignment Help


All assignments must be completed and turned in before or by the due date respectively, together with a report generated from the Turn-It-In. It is your responsibility in making sure the similarity index is not more than 30% with each source of reference with maximum 2% of similarity index. Marks will be allocated for the originality of your report.Assignment must be substantially your own work. If you wish to report another author’s point of view you should do so in your own words, and properly footnote the reference in accordance with the departmental style. Direct quotations should form a small part of your work, and must be placed in quotation marks and referenced. Any material taken from other references are to be acknowledged. ONLY creditable supporting facts, published knowledge and academic references can be used.

You will be referred to the Board of Inquiry should the originality index is more than 30% in total per assignment (Refer to Academic Integrity at pages this document) and if one of the reference source similarity index more than 2%, you or your team will be required to re-submit the assignment.

Rationale Product
Management is a complex activity and companies face many challenges in successfully executing the function. This assignment is designed to help develop your understanding of the activities required to bring a product to success. This assignment requires students to apply product management subject concepts in defining competition, identify competitors moves as well as assess the attractiveness of a chosen product industry


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